0.02 - Jealous, Stiles?

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@dianaa : Just got outta dance class

@sassystiles : I didn't even know they had dance in Beacon!? @dianaa

@queenlyds : @sassystiles of course they don't. Diana goes over to Devonford to dance

@sassystiles : O_o with Brett?!?

@dianaa : Devonford ain't that bad

@brettt : Jealous @sassystiles ?

@sassystiles : pfft why would I be jealous?

@queenlyds : obviously because you like my bae @dianaa

@scottyboy : I can basically feel the sexual tension when we we hang out

@dianaa : 0_0 no idea what you're talking about

@sassystiles : @scottyboy this convo is over with

(1/17/17) just realized that this chapter is hella short and I apologize for that :)

Lots of love,
J. Drew

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