Chapter 13: Courtesy Call

Start from the beginning

Here comes a danger up in this club
When we get started and we ain't gonna stop
We gonna turn it up till it gets too hot

Everybody sing, Hey-O
Tell 'em turn it up till they can't no more
Let's get this thing shaking like a disco ball
This is your last warning: a Courtesy Call.!" I finished.

The crowd went wild with cheers, and I immediately got red in the face with embarrassment.

~Natsu's POV~

I stared in awe and a slight blush on my face. It's been a while sense she's sung. I forgot that she was that good..!

Then I felt a poke on my shoulder. I turned to see a girl with electric purple hair and wearing way to much makeup. "Yeah?" I asked.

"Are you that girl's boyfriend?" She asked bluntly.

"Wh-What?! N-No! We're just really good friends..!" I stuttered, obviously taken aback by the sudden question.

"Oh, because you're staring, you know that right?"

"So? And why is this any of your business?" I gave her a small glare.

"'Cuz, I think you should ask her out. You obviously like her,"

I instantly turned red. "WHY DON'T YOU GO BOTHER SOMEBODY ELSE WITH THEIR RELATIONSHIP PROBLEMS?!" I yelled a little to loudly.

I got a few stares from people nearby. The girl just shrugged, took a sip of her drink, and walked away. "Serves her right," I muttered, clearly annoyed.

"Hey," I heard a familiar voice ask.

"Hey (Y/n)! You were awesome!" I smiled, leaning back in my chair again.

She sat down in her original spot. "Th-Thanks... I mean, I wasn't that good..!" She had a blush on her face as she twirled her hair. (If you can, Lol)

"Of course you were! You were amazing!"

We both just laughed and enjoyed the rest if the party. We stayed a little after just in case the thieves were to show up.

It was weird because after waiting almost a good 5 hours, still, nobody showed up. We also changed into our regular clothes as Angel and Gally went to wash the dress and suit.

"Weird," (Y/n) said.

"Yeah, I guess they just gave up and went home..!" I added.

"I guess... But anyway, Angel, Gally, I think we'd better head home now..!" She waved towards the two. I did the same.

They copied our motions. "Bye guys! We hope to see you sometime again!" Angel smiled.

And with that, we opened the giant doors, and left the mansion and started walking to the Train Station.

Once we made it onto a Train back to Magnolia, Happy and (E/n) finally started to interrogate us.

"So~! How'd the party go~?" Happy smirked.

We both turned bright red and laughed nervously. "It was fun. But nothing to exciting. Heck, the thieves didn't even show up!" She laughed.

We all kept on with the conversation as we ended up back in Magnolia. We exited the Train, and started walking back to Fairy Tail.

It was pretty dark out, but (Y/n) said she left a bag there or something and she needed to go get it.

We just chatted along the way, not a care in the world.

~Your POV~

"So Natsu, why do you think the thie--" but I was cut off by a pair of hands covering my mouth and pulling me into an alleyway.

I tried to grab Natsu's hand but I was already out of reach. I tried to yell but it came out as a muffle.

~Natsu's POV~

I felt a brush against my arm. So I turned around to ask what the rest of (Y/n)'s question was. (Oh yeah, Happy and (E/n) flew to their houses already, so they have no idea)

But I saw that she wasn't there. I started freaking out when I heard muffled screams coming from the close alleyway.

I rushed into the dark space and saw a shadowed blur rush from the ground and up to the rooftops.

I jumped up as my eyes widened at the scene. "(Y/n)!!" I yelled, running after the cloaked figure.

He just smirked as (Y/n) finally got her mouth free. "Natsu!!" She yelled, holding out her hand.

But with a flip of his cloak, he was gone... And he took (Y/n) with him...

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