Chapter 8.1

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Their ride went on for about an hour before the gseirut got too exhausted. It just suddenly stopped and lay down on the ground, refusing to move any further, not even at the baymout's angry hissing. Raf'ney-krush swore. He had to bring his captives back as quickly as possible, otherwise his payment would be reduced. Of course he could just have returned with the girl and maybe the man's head but unfortunately, he had been explicitly told to bring both of them alive.

There was no way for him to transport an unconscious man on a running baymout's back, otherwise he wouldn't have gone after the stupid young gseirut in the first place. Now Raf'ney-krush climbed down Bay's back and helped the girl descend. He tied her up again, just to be on the safe side and to demonstrate his power. Then he sent Bay off to hunt before climbing onto the gseirut's back to check up on the man.

After making sure he was still alive and forcing him to drink some strong liquor, Raf'ney-krush climbed back down, uncertain what do to next. He hadn't planned any stops, if they moved so slowly they might run out of food. The two fools hadn't had much with them anymore and despite having brought a lot himself, he wasn't sure for how long it would last.

'Who are you?' the girl's voice interrupted his thoughts. For the first time, he really looked at her. She was, as he had to admit, indeed already a woman, way too old to get married. What in the world could have made these two fools run away? Especially together, it didn't make any sense to Raf'ney-krush. He could faintly imagine reasons not to want to get married but if you already decide to run away, why run away with the person you were supposed to marry?

'Alright, if you don't want to tell me...' Nume uttered. He had completely forgotten about her question.

'Raf'ney-krush.' He replied.

'What?' Nume asked curiously.

'I said Raf'ney-krush.' He repeated impatiently.

'I don't understand... Is that the language of dretho?'

Now it was his turn to be confused. 'Dretho don't have their own language... It's my name.'

'Oh.' Nume said, blushing. 'It's rather complicated. Would you mind me calling you Raf instead?'



He turned around and walked away, hoping for the woman to stop talking.

'Who sent you?' she asked. Raf'ney-krush sighed but didn't answer. She made a few more attempts to get him to talk but she remained unsuccessful, he just sat down a few steps away from her and waited for Bay to return.

But before the baymout came back, he suddenly noticed water streaming around his bottom. He quickly jumped up and looked around to find the source of the stream. Before he even noticed a strange figure standing only steps away, he realised Nume was shouting and calling for somebody. When he spotted the blue person hovering above a pond that he was certain hadn't been there before, he drew his long sword. He rarely used his weapon but he knew how to, if need be.

'Hello.' The woman greeted cheerfully. 'I see you've found them then.'

'You know him? Did you send him after us?!' He heard Nume shout.

'I know everybody.' Was all the woman replied.

'Who are you?' Raf'ney-krush demanded, interrupting the pointless conversation.

'I am Sethara. And you are Raf'ney-krush. But I'll just call you Raf, I'm sure you don't mind...'

'I do.' He said, raising his sword to lay stress on his words.

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