Instinctively, Louis glanced at Harry in questioning to why he had to put the hat on, and in response, Harry simply scoffed before cupping his hands around Louis's and guiding his hands upward to rest the hat on top of his head.

Louis blinked his eyes blankly as he cautiously lowered his hands while Harry removed his own, "There. Now you look like a real prince."

The royal's eyebrows furrowed and he prepared to retort, but Harry's hands clasped over one of his once more and the curly haired captain flashed him a grin unlike Louis had ever seen before, "I take it you've never been to Ireland, let alone Dublin before."

Taken back by the sudden question and Harry's expression, Louis couldn't formulate his words steadily enough, "I... Uh... Well... No."

He'd hardly been out of England, only traveling into Wales and Scotland about twice in his lifetime. How Harry knew that was a bit unsettling and surprising to say the least.

Harry nodded knowingly, "We're gunna have a lot of fun today then!"

"Excuse me!?" Louis's voice trailed off into a bit of a shout as he found himself being yanked forward when Harry broke out into a sprint down the port's wooden bridge. Each step he took forward forced Louis to make an effort to keep up, which was alarmingly difficult and reminded him that either Harry was capable of running at superhuman speeds or he needed to get in shape.

Even in the midst of the run, Louis couldn't help but find his eyes gleaming as he looked ahead.

He was actually on dry land and on his way toward freedom.

When Harry finally stopped, it was just on the outskirts of the entrance into the city centre. Passing them by the whole time had been curious people that Louis occasionally lost sight of whenever Harry's hat slid over his eyes and he struggled to adjust it over his head without having it slide back downward or fly off of his head all together.

Panting, Louis found his hands moving to his knees as he hunched over to catch his breath that was slipping from his lips at such a rapid pace along with the sensation of lungs that felt just about ready to collapse in his rib cage from exhaustion.

Harry on the other hand, simply let out a breezy laugh as he wiped his forehead, "That was a fun jog. Got my heart pumped up for some excitement." He glanced downward at the brunet that was still doubled over and he smirked slightly, "Don't you agree, Princess—"

"Fuck off." Louis hissed, however the moment the words came out his mouth he inwardly scolded himself.

He was in public now.

The distant chatter of the civilians within the crowded centre, coupled along with the clattering of horse hooves that hit against the rundown cobblestone and occasional shouts of advertisement from city venders reminded Louis that now, he was in civilization once again.

His eyes scanned over his surroundings in wonder,

Many men seemed to occupy the population around as well as a few women and children who all appeared too caught up in their daily routine to even pay notice to Louis who was glancing all about him, taking in the sights of the venders and stores along with the occasional galloping horse drawn carriages that transported either people or cargo.

"You've never been to a city centre before?" Harry arched a brow as Louis snapped his attention back toward him.

Louis prepared to retort back wittily, but one look at Harry's expression and the prince knew he was honestly curious.

Suddenly feeling a bit ashamed, Louis glanced away, "In England when I made visits into the town in my carriage if that counts?" He couldn't help but finish it as a question because in actuality, he didn't even truly make visits. The only time he made 'visits' was to pass through the town to get to another. He hardly even looked out the window to take a peek at how everyone was fairing outside the walls.

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