TBBCMC15- Jealousy

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The days go by slowly as ever and I'm still living with Lucas. It gets hard sometimes because I miss my mom. I haven't seen her in over a month. She was one of my best friends. I see Elliot at school everyday but at the end of the day I still miss him. I don't see him outside of school because he's always watching the house making sure my "dad" doesn't hurt my mom anymore. She got home not to long ago but is still recovering. Now that I think about maybe out of all of us I have it the easiest but it sure as hell doesn't feel that way.

Anyways I am currently sitting in my last period of the day waiting for school to end. I hate math and school in general. I just want to go home and eat. To get me out of bed this morning Lucas did promise me Starbucks after school so that's the only thing I can look forward too. Finally the bell rings and I shoot up out of my chair and out the door.

I quickly run to my locker and shove some books in before being swarmed by a Hurd of kids. Once I make it out of the school doors I start walking towards Lucas's car. I wait for ten minutes and still don't see him coming so I take a seat in front of his car leaning against it.

Another twenty minutes later and he's still not here. Not that I mind anyways I did just beat my high score on flappy bird. After another fifteen minutes he decided to make an appearance but not alone. There was a fake ass blond bitch walking next to him and talking. Then they both burst out laughing. Once he reached the car he saw me sitting on the ground slightly angry.

"Oh um Mary this is Caden and Caden this is Mary," he said smiling down at me.

"Oh is she your little sister," she said smiling down at me. Wow wow wow excuse this bitch I'm about to beat the shit out of her. Lucas starts laughing but stops when he sees the look in my eyes as I'm standing up off the ground.

"No she is my best friends sister and my lovely girlfriend," Lucas said wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Oh well she looks a lot younger than you," this Mary bitch said scoffing.

"Excuse me bitch who do you think you are," I said getting out of Lucas's grasp and stalking towards her. Once I saw the frightened look in her eyes I smiled.

"Well Caden and I are gonna get going now bye Mary," Lucas said grabbing my waist and dragging me into the car before I could hurt that bitch.

Lucas got in and started up the car and then pulled out of the parking lot.

"Awe Cady are you jealous," he teased tickling my side.

"Just take me to Starbucks asshole," I said swatting his hand away.

"Okay. So baby how was school today," he asked while grabbing my hand and putting it in his.

"Annoying, stupid, shitty, this list could go on forever," I retorted.

"Easy tiger. Aren't you going to ask me how my day was," he asked caressing my hand.

"No I'm not you probably had a fun day with Mary," I said as we pulled up to Starbucks. He smirked at me and parked the car. We both got out and headed into Starbucks, me slightly ahead of him because of my pissy mood.

Once it was my turn to order Lucas was at my side and the worker was quite the looker. Oh I am so getting revenge. I batted my eyelashes and pouted my lips.

"Could I get a grande chai tea latte," I said while biting my lip.

"Sure sweetheart and what's the name for that," he said sweetly.

"Caden," I purred.

"Well Caden could I get your number," he asked.

"Sure thing Alex," (she found out his name by looking at his name tag) I said writing it down for him quickly and scurrying off so Lucas could pay. I took a quick look at his face and he was fuming with anger. Once he saw me he stalked towards me.

"What the hell was that," he said angrily staring down at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I said innocently making him growl.

"Baby girl you are in so much trouble," he whispered in my ear.

"Woah I'm so scared," I said sarcastically before walking away from him to get my drink and grabbing Lucas's for him.

"Bye Alex," I said waving as I walked out swaying my hips.

Lucas angrily stormed to the car and slammed the door. I got in contentedly and buckled my seatbelt.

"What's wrong Lucas jealous," I said with a smirk.

He didn't answer or look at me. He backed out of his spot and started driving towards his house. Once we got there he got out of the car and started walking to the front door. I followed his steps all the way to his bedroom.

He plopped down on the bed and groaned.

"Lucas," I said but got no answer.

"Lucas," I tried again but still no answer.

"Oh so your ignoring me," I said placing my hand in his hair and massaging making him moan.

"So if I asked to go out with Alex tonight you'd say no," I said before bursting into laughter.

He instantly pinned me below him. He pressed his lips to my neck and started sucking. I moaned loudly not being able to resist.

"Who do you belong to," he asked sucking harder.

"Y-you," I moaned.

"Who do you love," he asked continuing his assault. I might as well get a kick out of this.

"Alex," I said moaning knowing I was in trouble.

As soon as he heard this he bit down a little harder and spanked my ass very hard that it made my eyes tear up.

"Who do you love," he repeated himself sternly.

"You Lucas I love you," I said leaning up and kissing his lips. We started heavily making out and let's just say things got heated.
So guys I don't know who reads this so I don't really want to put inappropriate scenes. I might after a few more chapters though. And yes I know I suck at  updating  and I don't blame you guys if you hate me for that lol. And honestly this book sucks and has no plot I literally just started it for fun and it got more reads than I expected so I decided to continue it.

The only reason I am updating is because I read your guys comments and feel like a freaking lazy ass for not updating because I'm a busy person honestly. And yes I know this is short like I said I don't have my story planned out. I didn't expect people to like it. I'm also planning on making another book after this that actually will have a plot and be planned out!! And guys honestly when you comment update it kinda does help so keep doing it😂

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