TBBCMC2-My girlfriend

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"Caden," I hear my brother angrily yell from downstairs.

I walk down the staircase to see him, Lucas, Caleb, and John there.

"Hey smelliot," I said giggling at the new nickname I came up with for him.

"Caden what the hell why weren't you at school," he yelled at me.

"I was tired," I said shrugging. He came up and hugged me tightly.

"God if anything happened to you I wou-"

"Elliot I'm fine nothing happened," I said sighing. I knew he was going to be angry.

"Don't ever do that again," he said sternly. I nodded and we separated from our hug.

"We are gonna go hang out and play x-box. You coming," Elliot asked raising an eyebrow.

"Sure," I said following them into the living room. Lucas wrapped an arm around my waist and I rested my head on his shoulder as we entered the room.

There were only four Bean bag chairs so I had to either sit on someone's lap or the floor.

I went to sit on the floor but Lucas tugged me gently into his lap. I made myself comfortable in his lap and leaned my head against his chest just now realizing how tired I was.

I let my eyes close and let myself drift off to sleep.


I rubbed my eyes tiredly after just waking up. I felt an armed draped around my waist and turn over coming face to face with Lucas. I'm surprised he hasn't done anything to piss me off today. I had to admit he was fucking hot and I might have a slight crush on him.

He looked so cute and angry when he slept and I couldn't help but laugh.

"Lukey," I said poking his cheek. He just groaned and turned over. I straddled him and poked his cheek again. He didn't react so I started tickling him. He instantly grabbed both of my wrists before flipping us back over.

"Never do that again," he spat at me harshly.

"Awe you look so cute when your angry," I said giggling. He sighed and pouted causing me to giggle again.

"God your such a child," he said rudely. I stuck my tongue out at him and he let me go. He laid back down pulling me into him again.

"Bitch let me go," I said trying to pry his hands off me but he just tightened his grip.

"Omg penguins are so cute and squishy just like a sack of potatoes," I said laughing loudly.

"Come on let's go do something," I screamed loud enough to wake up all the other boys who were also sleeping on the floor. Nobody answered they all just groaned.


I was rudely interrupted by a hand flying over my mouth. I whined trying to pull their hand off.

"If I pull my hand of will you stop screeching that stupid song," he asked. I nodded and he released me.

"I still want to know what Caleb was talking about at lunch. What smelt like potatoes," I questioned playing with Lucas' hand.

"Your not old enough to know. Your just a little baby," he said. I pouted and elbowed him in the stomach.


"Cupcake I asked you to stop"

"SUCK MY MOTHERFUCKING BUTTHOLE," I yelled at him before bursting out into a fit of laughter.

"Dude what did she have for breakfast," John asked Elliot.

"Caden calm down," Elliot said to me.

"I feel like I'm walking on Jesus," I whispered in Lucas' ear. He burst out laughing and his grip slightly loosened. I pouted at that but not so he could see.

"Jesus Caden what the hell is wrong with you," he said still laughing.

"Your mom," I said getting up and walking out of the room. I went to the bathroom and on my way back I heard words that I really didn't want to hear.

"Yea can I bring her over tomorrow," Lucas asked.

"Who," they all said in unison.

"My girlfriend"


Colton Haynes will be playing Lucas. Sry for short chapter vote and comment 🍄🍄

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