Chapter 4- Green Arrow

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Oliver used the low dense vines and moss as cover. In a forest, it paid to have a green costume. Clint's arrow had wrapped around the tree branches without a sound, and he rose out of Oliver's sight. Ollie stayed crouched as he slowly inched forward, checking all of his surroundings before taking another step. He was a thorough man. It's how he's lasted this long. Always be aware of your surroundings. If the enemy is able to get behind you, you're as good as dead. 

However, Oliver suspected this would be more of a hostage situation. The typical bad guy has a knife to the victim's throat in exchange for your weapons. Oliver could only hope Clint was ready to shoot when the time was right.

In the next few minutes, Oliver could see the edge of the forest, and he could just make out a figure directly in front of a huge land of darkness. Without making sudden movements, Oliver slowly reached back to select his arrow of choice. 

The best possible choice seemed to be a paralysis arrow. He could shoot at the villain, and instantly paralyze any part of him. Good for helping the hostage escape. 

Oliver nocked his arrow, but held his bow to his side. If Clint was thinking the same way he was, then Oliver was the designated distraction. One thing Oliver had noticed about Clint was that he liked to joke around a lot, but was an efficient thinker when there was a life on the line. Oliver had complete faith in Clint through this. Barton doesn't give himself much credit, but he's the finest archer of HIS universe.


Oliver decided now would be the best time to reveal himself. He fully stood up, and walked to the edge of the forest, stomping on branches to make his approach known. The figure Oliver had seen turned out to be a woman, and she seemed to be unconscious. He came to the edge of the forest, and stopped. Nobody seemed to be there.

"You must be the Emerald Archer."

Oliver had let his guard down. The villain had gotten behind him.

"Don't turn around. Just drop the bow."

A sword was pressed against the side of Oliver's neck. He listened to the request, and dropped his bow.

"Good. Now you're going to listen to what my partner here has to say."

Out of the darkness, a figure had appeared. It was Slade Wilson, a.k.a Deathstroke.

"Green Arrow." Slade began. "I was wondering when I would get the chance to see you again."

"Slade? What's going on!? I know you have something to do with this." Oliver hissed at him.

"Oh no, my foolish little archer." Deathstroke explained. "I am like you. Merely a pawn in this game. Of course, I only just got here, after our mutual friend 'The Hood' explained what was happening. For the chance to see you gone forever, I figured it was worth the price."

"Price? What price?" Oliver questioned.

"Don't you get it you idiot?" Slade yelled. "You're-"

The arrow hit through Deathstroke's one eye slit with a sickening squelch. He fell backward.

"No..." Oliver muttered.

"Ah, that must be Clint." The second villain noted, amused. "Wait until he sees what the Swordsman has planned for him.

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