Prologue - Green Arrow

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"What's it looking like, Canary?" Oliver whispered in to his earpiece.

"Deathstroke is headed towards the pavilion. Go Radio Silent" she replied.

Oliver Queen focused his sharp eyes towards the pavilion in the dead center of Star City. There, he saw the unmistakable mask of Slade Wilson, a.k.a Deathstroke. Across the pavilion, in the shadows, Black Canary lingered in the shadows, ready to activate her "Canary Cry". 

Oliver examined his quiver and decided on the knockout gas arrow. He nocked in his bow, and took aim. Deep breath, and Oliver let the arrow fly. It sailed towards Deathstroke, and just when Oliver thought it was about to hit, Slade sliced the arrow in two with his blade. The gas still poured out of the arrow's tip however, and Slade had to run in order to escape. Black Canary emerged and used her Cry to slam Deathstroke against a wall. With Slade dazed, Oliver fired a chain arrow to hold Slade in place.

"Why are you here, Wilson?" Oliver asked in his gruff voice when he approached his captive.

"No. The question is, why are YOU here?" Slade replied weakly.

"What?" Canary asked. "What do you-"

Suddenly, Oliver was gone.

He appeared again in a white room. It was just white, literally. There was no furniture, there was just a person. A man wearing a purple costume with an "H" in the middle. He had a bow and a quiver of arrows. On further inspection, Oliver noticed this "H" also had trick arrows.

"OliVeR QuEEn. cLiNT BArtOn." A static voice called over the intercom. Suddenly the north wall of the room turned in to a giant screen. There was a orange hooded figure sitting at a control panel.

"YoU HavE BoTH mEt Me in YoUR TrAvEls." The voice continued. "YoU hAVe WiTneSSed me mANy TimES. YoU HavE BEaTEn me CounTLEss TimES. NoW, YoU WiLL PlAY mY GaME. IF YoU WiN, YoU gO HOme. If I wIn, I tAKe YoU WitH me."

"Now wait a second." H said. "I've never seen this guy in my life. I've never even heard of him. Yet be both have beaten you?"

"yES, I'vE gRoWN QuITe TIRed Of iT." the Hood replied.

"So.... What is the game?" Oliver asked, trying to get to the point. He seemed to be the no nonsense one of the two. This "H" was trying to figure out who the Hood was. Oliver was trying to figure out the Hood's motives. They definitely had two different thinking styles.

"YoU wILL bE ThRowN iNTo a LaNd WHeRE MaNy oF YoUR PasT fOEs ReSIDe. iF yOU TwO ArE THe LasT LEft StAnDiNg, YoU wiN. AlThouGH WhERe You'RE goInG, tHE BlOOdLuST FoR HeROes IS At a HiGH."

Without another word the two were dropped from the ground in to a dark hole. They landed in utter darkness. Using absolute awareness, Oliver was sure he could hear footsteps around them.

"What the he-" H started.

"SHHHHH" Oliver quickly uttered, but it was too late. Their position was given away. It was at this moment, Oliver realized it wasn't his sense of awareness hearing the footsteps.

"Crunch, crunch, crunch." A voice came from the darkness.

It was Green Arrow's old foe, Onomatopoeia.

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