Chapter 1- Hawkeye

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"RUN, YOU SAY!" Clint screams at the stranger in green. "WE'LL BE FINE YOU SAY!"

The baddie from the shadows was right on their heels as the two archers ran into utter darkness, not sure what was coming next.

"We can't keep going like this." Greenie said. Suddenly, he turned and drew an arrow from his quiver.

"Now, THAT'S more like it." Clint smiled. He too, pulled an arrow from his quiver. He had selected a Paralysis arrow, and it seemed Greenie had trick arrows too. They both took aim, and they both fired.

Clint's arrow hit first. It hit Mr. Crunch Crunch square in the chest. Greenie's arrow hit next, but it wasn't an arrow anymore. In midair, the tip of the arrow expanded to reveal a boxing glove. The glove punched CC in the jaw, as the paralysis spread through his body. He collapsed.

"Onomatopoeia." Greenie muttered.

"Whoa there," Clint said. "That's a long ass name. I'm just gonna stick to Mr. O."

Greenie shook his head, obviously annoyed, and approached Mr. O.

"Where are we, Ono?" he asked.

Mr. O didn't speak.

"He won't give us any answers." Greenie said. "Come on, let's go."

"YoU'LL rEGreT tHaT DeciSION." The disembodied voice of the Hood sounded throughout the dark cavern.

"In ThiS PlaCE, GuYS lIKe thESe ALwAys cOme BAck tO bITE yOu iN THe aSs."

Greenie considered for a moment, looking at Mr. O with malice.

"Whoa whoa." Clint started. "I'm assuming you're also a hero. You help people. So then, you would also know that killing this man will help nothing."

Greenie remained silent for a few more moments.

"Let's go." he said.

They walked away from Mr. O side by side.

"Uh, this may be a bad time, but um... I'm Clint." Hawkeye said, outstretching his hand to Greenie. "But my super awesome hero name is Hawkeye."

Greenie looked at Clint's hand with what seemed to be distaste.

"Oliver" he said curtly, shaking the hand. "And..... my super awesome name is Green Arrow."

"Ah, Green Arrow... That explains the arrows being green!" Clint joked. His laugh was quickly burnt out as the darkness they were walking in came to an end. The land transformed to a vast wasteland suddenly, with a large, dead forest straight ahead.

"Where in the hell are we?" Clint asked.

Oliver observed the land, immersed in silence.

"Where do we go? What do we do?" asked Clint.

"Let's regroup for a moment." Oliver said, finally. "The hooded guy said we had to be the last one standing right?" So wouldn't it be a good idea to be the hunter instead of the hunted?"

"I don't know about you, guy." said Clint. "I'm more of a 'wait in a certain position until I see bad guys type.'

"I survived on an island for five years starting out with nothing. I perfected my archery skills on that very same island. I know what I'm doing." Oliver stated, starting to move forward.

Now it was Clint's turn to stand in silence.

"Lead on then, Castaway." Clint said.

"Please, don't call me that."

"Okay, Wilson."

"Wilson..." Oliver muttered. "Slade  Wilson has something to do with this."

"Slade? You mean WADE Wilson? What does that asshat have to do with ANY of this?" Clint asked, puzzled.

"No, no. SLADE." Oliver said again. "Deathstroke? One of the most deadly assassins in the world?"

"Buddy, I think you're getting my buddy Deadpool confused with somebody else."

"Deadpool?" Oliver asked.

"Yeah... Deadpool? Wait, you've never heard of him?" Clint seemed appalled.

"I've never even heard of you!" Oliver stated, getting frustrated.

"Yeah... I didn't expect you too. I'm on the Avengers though." Clint said sullenly.

"The AVENGERS?!?" Oliver lost his composure, finally allowing himself to be confused.

"Buddy, you must be living in an alternate universe." Clint chuckled.

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