Brother Angel

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Holly Chambers POV.

Holly collasped on her bed in a sea of tears as she cried to herself, knowing she's been far to strong. The tears felt foregien to her, but they felt good.. Although guilt and regret was seeping through the wet pillow. Though she felt she was doing the right thing, getting revenge in the only way she knew how; lieing to him.

She wanted him, and she missed him so damn much.. She didn't have any boy in the next room, she never had a boy at all; he was the only boy she wanted. And if she couldn't have him in her arms, than she didn't want anybody.. She would be alone, forever alone. 

And if that's what the future held for Holly Chambers, than she would take what she got. Little did she know that the future held much differently, and for Ace Merrill also.

Ace Merrill POV.

The blonde headed bad boy felt a mixture of anger and regret forming inside of his stomach as he slammed the phone down and stormed out of the room. He never knew how much it would hurt to have a mere broad taken out of his life, a person, a woman; but now it was catching up too him.

If he could take back that day, he would just to be able to hear that she was single again. Obviously he never meant anything to her if she was already dating again; but than again, he had made it look as if he didn't care either.. So in a way, they were both terribly wrong.

Alexandra Merrill POV.

Alexandra kicked her feet up on the wooden milk crate Gordie LaChance would usually be sitting on if he were in the tree house. It was a hot summer day so the boys were shirtless, adorned in only baggy jeans and high tops.

Christopher Chambers, the leader; Teddy DuChamp, the crazy one; and Vern Tessio, the scardy cat, all sat around the heated tree house, playing cards and talking. No one dare mention Holly in front of Chris, in fears of an angry leader of an emotional break down.

Even though Holly had been slightly older, and a Cobra, she still came around the tree house and hung out with the guys. She was sorta like Alex in a way, but much closer with all of the guys; something the cobras hated. Holly would protect them, and be a friend when they were in need of one.. It sometimes made Ace jealous, and so the conversation started.

"Remember the time your brother nearly broke Gordie's fingers because he was smiling at Holly?" Alexandra turned pale as she turned towards Chris who's face hardened as he shuffled the deck of cards. Leave it to Vern to bring up stupid memories and not no any better..

"Shut the fuck up, Vern." Alexandra snapped whilst Chris flicked the cards towards each player, as Vern frowned from the back round. Nobody wanted to have Holly in the conversation, because her leaving had hurt them all, it was a sensitive subject; espessially for Chris.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP!" Chris screamed, and so the whole tree house went quiet.

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