Hangover Angel

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Ace Merrill POV.

The next morning had felt much worst than the night before as he reached for a pair of dark shaded sunglasses from his beside table. His head was aching worst than his heart as he groaned at nothing in particular and rolled to his side, coming face to face with none-other than Mrs. Mariyln Monroe.

His heart dropped dramatically.

The beauty was plastered on his wall wearing nothing more than a nearly see through black dress and a James Dean style trench coat wrapped around her. It was your classic nearly naked Mariyln poster that most guys had on their walls; thinking it was 'manly' to have a sexy broad on your wall. Ace included, loving the way the model possed just for him. Like any guy, he longed to have a girl like Marilyn; and he did, but he had let his perfect Mariyln slip away.

No guy would ever let her slip away from them, she was too good, too beautiful; he was crazy!


He swallowed hard and let a shiver run down his spine. He couldn't understand why every little thing reminded him of her; it was confusing, but it was love. 

He couldn't move on, and he knew he would never be able to unless she was back in his arms again.

Holly Chambers POV.

She had woken up the next morning with a splitting headache and aching heart. Her stomach had urched and she ran to the toliet, letting her body empty the contents of her stomach all on it's own. Right than she had silently made a vow to herself never to touch another drop of alochol again, not even a glass of wine at thanksgiving.

The feeling was gross and disgusting, but the alochol had helped her forget, even just for a little while. It was nice for a night, but never again, not in her deepest sorrow would she let herself touch the drink again.

Holly knew how stupid it was, trying to drink away the memories of a past love. Her father had been doing it ever since her mother had vanished; thinking that was the only way he could forget. She felt yet another sick feeling as she raised her head from the toliet, shivering at the thought of turning out as the stereotypical Chambers.

I won't.. 

She promised herself, letting a smile come upon her lips just before her head went into the toliet once more.

Reginald Merrill POV.

Reginald had had his fair share of drinking in his youth like any other grown man, but even to this day the headache was harsh. Hangover's made him feel as though he were the summer of 1959's Ray Brower; hit by a train and left alone to deal with it.

There was really no cure that he could think of for this hangover so he simply got out of bed and began making breakfast for his neice and nephew. If there was one thing he loved other than his job, it was cooking. It seemed to help for awhile, making him forget about his headache and the thoughts of his de-parted sister-in-laws words.

"If I'm not there to do it, your the only remaining family member in Castle Rock and apart of John's life. Please make sure they realize their love for one another.. I don't want to see them in the same situation as your brother and I once were in.."

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