Communication Angel

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Ace Merrill POV.

Ace found himself sitting at the kitchen table with his sister on the left side of him and his Uncle Pop on the right. He ate quickly, not liking the feeling of being around human beings in this time of depression. He could still remember the hazy memories of the conversation he and his Uncle had had the night before; and it embarrassed him how he had let his guard down.

Ace Merrill never let's his guard down.. Letting your guard down always leads to getting hurt.

The young man sighed into his food knowing that Holly had made him temporally take his guard down. She had known him as Johnny Merrill when they were alone, and Ace when they were out. Not to many people could bring Johnny out of Ace, but she had been able to do so without even trying. He had known she had something special, if she didn't, he would be able to get her off of his mind.

A clatter of silverware hit the plates as Ace angrily took himself from the table; Holly burning into his thoughts. He wanted to be one person and one person only; he wanted to be tough Ace Merrill who stole Blue Jesus's and took random's up to make-out point. He wanted to be feared in the eyes of innocence, but deep down her knew he was two different people.

Ace and Johnny were two different men, living in one body.

Reginald Merrill POV.

Reginald watched Ace drop his silverware and storm into his room, leaving both he and his younger sister to eat breakfast alone for the remaining hours before work. It had hurt him to see that Ace was struggling with himself, losing a battle Reginald knew he could not win. He was losing his faith in himself by not being able to own up to his emotions. He needed to do what was right for once in his life, but Ace Merrill wouldn't let him.

The Johnny that he, his little sister Alexandra, and Holly had known is struggling to break free from Ace's hard shell.. Reginald could see it in his nephew's eyes that he was utterly confused and just wanted to be Johnny for once in his life.

He just wants to be John Merrill again..

Reginald thought as he finished up his cup of tea and went to work. He would figure out what he would do about his nephew when he got home from the bone yard, at least than he may have an idea.

Holly Chambers POV.

After losing all of the contents of her stomach, making a fresh breakfast seemed like a good idea to the young woman as she began to fry up some eggs. She had finally gained the courage to move from her place on her bed and do something with her day off, starting with a fresh breakfast to fill her empty stomach.

Holly sighed as she flipped the eggs, trying her best to push Ace and Castle Rock out of her mind for the remainder of the day. But every time he was always vanished, he would appear again, and so would the Cobras.

I wonder if they miss me..

She thought with a small smile and tears in her eyes as she dropped the egg onto the plate. The Cobras who have been through everything with her, her family, her brothers, would they miss her?

Probley not..

She thought with a sigh as she placed a piece of buttered toast on the edge of her plate and began to make her way to the table.

But a call home wouldn't be doing any wrong right? 

She decided that she would call home after breakfast, just to make sure that everybody was doing okay.. And to see if they missed her at all.

Eyeball Chambers POV.

The phone rang suddenly as Eyeball Chambers jumped to his feet and hurried to the reciver. He hoped and prayed that it was Holly, but he knew that it most likely wasn't with his luck.. A Chambers kid never has good luck, something he's learned years ago.

"Hello?" The older Chambers boy asked as he listened intently to a voice that made him sigh, his hope had vanished for it to be Holly at all.

"Hey Eyeball, wanna meet at the Blue Point in five? All the guys are gonna be there, we're all having burgers for breakfast man!" An over exited Charlie Hogan nearly shouted into the receiver, as Eyeball sighed and stiffled a unique laugh. He nodded to himself.

"Yeah, I'll be down in five, and Hogan?" Eyeball asked with a grin on his face, knowing that Charlie Hogan would fall right into his trap.

"Yeah?" Charlie questioned, a grin exploded on Eyeballs' face as he answered.

"If you get exited over burgers for breakfast, you need to get laid." And with that, he slammed down the phone; leaving a speechless virgin on the other end.

Eyeball laughed at his own joke as he began to walk out of the room, heading towards the front door when once again the phone rang. Eyeball swore to himself, thinking it was Charlie again looking to say some comeback that he actually thought was good.

He rushed into the room and grabbed the phone, opening his mouth to snap an even better virgin comeback at Hogan when a female voice erupted in his ears making his stomach flip.

"Hey Ritchie"

It was Holly.

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