Dream Angel

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Eyeball Chambers/Holly Chambers POV.

"Holly!?" Eyeball exclaimed breathlessly as he took a seat on the edge of the sofa. A lot like Ace Merrill himself Eyeball had grown tough to the situation, denying any true feeling that had tried it's best to shine through. Too him it made it easier to cope with yet another mother-like-woman leaving his life, when in reality he was falling apart. Holly had been he and Chris's mother figure, and now that she had vanished without a trace, Eyeball had assumed she was never coming home; let alone contacting them again.

He had thought for once in his life that Holly was going to be exactly like their mother, leaving the Chambers' family high and dry. But she wasn't, and he should have known that from day one when she escaped Castle Rock. It was something she had always wanted to do, it was her dream ever since she was old enough to realize the Chambers kids were shunned and looked down upon.

Eyeball sighed inwardly.

He shouldn't have even thought like that, Holly left Castle Rock for a reason that left him angered towards Ace Merrill; but truly she was living her dream, and he should be happy for her. And he was, but that didn't mean his heart wasn't breaking. Chambers kids have feelings too, not a lot of people knew that.

Sometimes you gotta break some hearts to live your dreams..

Eyeball thought with a smile as he listened into the receiver, a satisfyed feeling set in his gut: that his sister was different. 

I knew she was different.. She just had to prove it. 

Eyeball grinned and bit his bottom lip nervously, a habit all Chambers kids seemed to inherit.

"Yeah, it's me Ritchie.. How are you?" She replied quietly, making Eyeball roll his eyes at her words. How are you? The duo hadn't spoken in about a month and all she had to say was how are you? It hurt him that they were so foreign to each other that small talk was needed, it scared him that things would never be the same.. What if they weren't? He shuddered at the thought.

"I'm good.. How about you?" He questioned, placing emphasis on the 'you'; wanting to know all of the details about his little sisters new life; her dream. And so Holly began to explain everything, knowing her brother was very interested in everything she was saying. He always had been, he was always her father figure.

Growing up without a stable father and a mother who had split years ago, Holly grew accustom to Eyeball being the father figure of the family; while she acted as the mother. It was a team effort, but they helped eachother through the rough spots, giving Chris both parents.. Or the best they could come up with.

All they had was each other, and they knew it. The situation were Eyeball assumed Holly would never come back was heartbreaking, since it had been a team effort for so long. And than, she had left him to fend for himself and Chris; that in itself was terrible. But they understood why she couldn't stay, she knew they did; but there wasn't a day go by she didn't feel hurt by her actions. She felt so conceited for leaving the boys alone for her own selfish reasons when really she should have sucked it up and stayed in Castle Rock. But the hurt was to much, Ace had really been the love of her life; and she knew that bad things would come out of staying in that town. So she left, which seemed like the respsonible thing to do at the time, but looking back on it now, maybe it wasn't the best descion. She couldn't cope her problems so she ran away instead of facing her them, like mother like daughter.

But at least I kept contact..

Holly thought bitterly as her eyes filled with heated tears. She hated to be compared to a woman she despised, and there was nothing worst than knowing she was right, it was true. Everything she had prayed was false turned out to be true in the long run. Faith had a weird way of working, and Holly for one didn't understand it one bit; espessially when it hurts you to no end.

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