Fearful Angel

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Holly Chambers/ Alexandra Merrill POV.

Sighing inwardly, Holly and Alexandra began to switch stories casually; just as she and Eyeball had done. They were on the phone for about ten minutes when the subject of Ace Merrill had come up in the conversation, paralyzing Holly when Alexandra had told her the rotten truth of the situation. Though she still found it hard to believe, she went with it.

"He's heartbroken.. He hardly comes out of his room." She whispered into the phone, staring down the hallway at her older brothers bedroom door; as if he'd over hear the conversation. Shivering slightly at the remembrance of smashed glass, she turned back to the black screened television and waited for Holly's repsonce.

"Eyeball told me." She replied dully,  yearning for more awnser's than the ones she's already received. She still couldn't find a place inside her heart to believe that Ace Merrill, town bully, gang member, was heart broken. It sounded dumb to her, but she wanted more proof than just hearing it from family and friends.. It was an excuse to talk with him. She needed it like Ace had needed a cold glass of alcohol; though they'd never admit it, it was the hopes of each other calling that kept them both sane.

"Eyeball. You know, we're doin' real good." Alexandra started with a smile, holding back a childish giggle as she kept on staring down the hallway to Ace's room in hopes he may walk out. She's been wanting to tell him for awhile, but she knew it was obvious she couldn't.. But she wanted he and Holly to talk, and maybe he would just need to piss and Alexandra could wave him over. Just maybe..

"That's good.." Holly trailed off, leaving only the awkward silence resting between them. Alexandra let a sigh escape her lip as she gripped the phone tighter and finally said what she had been thinking about for the entire conversation.

"Listen, I'm gonna call Ace out, okay? You need guys need to talk.. He loves you" Nearly muttering the last part of the sentence, she found her way out of the room and down the hallway; pausing in front of her big brother's door.She was frightened at what may lie inside; unknowing about what exactly had been broken. Especially the reaction he was going to have to knowing Holly was waiting on the phone. But Alexandra was no pussy, so she banged on the wooden door until an angry Ace Merrill into the hallway and looked down at his little sister.

While Holly sat on the other line, butterflies invading her stomach; Alexandra Merrill let a cocky smirk take over her lips, no longer afraid what was inside of her older brothers room. It was obvious he was okay on the outside, and that's all that mattered at the moment, but she could still see the heart break that lied inside.

"Holly's on the phone, and she wants to talk."

Ace's mouth formed a perfect 'O' shape as Holly pushed him into the living room and left the house, giving the two utter privacy.

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