Chapter 4: Repeated Problems..

Start from the beginning

"Er.. Well, since Sean has healed up and he isn't as severely dizzy as he was before." I started, "I think we'll work on the grimier areas of L.A, they're easy to tackle and the cops there are practically non-existent to protecting around there." I explained, running my hand through my hair.

"And we can't kill any citizens, okay? They're not the ones we're targeting and they're innocent." I continued on.

"Felix, you say that every time we have a mission. We do get it y'know!" Sean stated, crossing his arms.

"I know I say it all the damn time, but it's to clarify, because if we kill someone we're not supposed to then you don't wanna be feeling the guilt afterwards." I said with a little bit of annoyance. "The guilt of having innocent blood on your hands... It ain't good."

"Yeah, I've heard some pretty sick stories.." Mark muttered, " Some people have gone insane when killing the wrong people, they even take their own lives because the guilt was too much for them. We're still sane, and we gotta keep it that way." Mark and I made a valid point, but Sean still came back with a very good, but answerable question.

"What if they shoot at, or attack us first?" Sean crossed his arms, waiting for an answer. "We know how fucked up the rougher neighbourhoods are in L.A."

"Then we shoot them, no hesitations. It's self defence." I replied, crossing my arms. Sean nodded, Mark looked slightly unsure, nodding reluctantly. "But, only if we have to."

"So, when are we leaving then?" Sean scratched his head and smirked a little.

"In about a few hours, lets preserve some energy first and have some coffee at least." I smiled, standing up to walk to the kitchen.

"Good idea!" Mark grinned, following me as Sean stayed sat down and rested up a little more.

Sean Mcloughlin

After having breakfast, me, Mark and Felix decided to get our stuff together, we knew we wouldn't be able to get back here to this same place, so we took everything we needed. Mark successfully hid his remaining grenades in his rucksack, Felix holstered his 9mm in his jacket and I put all the gun silencers in my rucksack. We were ready, we left the house (not forgetting our masks), and set off to one of the unsafest, unprotected places in L.A, Chesterfield Square.


We kept our weapons close by, a game plan in mind, we were ready and made sure we weren't caught off guard. With our masks on, we traversed through alleyways and abandoned streets, finally ending up in Chesterfield Square. Felix had already spotted a police officer and without hesistation, whipped out his gun and applied a gun silencer to it. He shot the officer within seconds and tightly held his gun, we all kept our eyes open and continued making our way around.
      Soon we made it to an abandoned park, no one was about, until we spotted a gang of 6 men not too far away from us.

"They look like trouble.." Mark whispered, glancing at Felix.

"Eh, we can take them." Felix replied with confidence.

"Are you serious?!" I hissed, "6 men against 3 of us. Yeah, that fucking works." I responded sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"Hey! Who the fuck are you people?!" One of the men turned around (supposedly the leader) armed with an MP5, the rest of the gang carrying very advanced automatic weaponry, aiming it at us.

"Look, we don't want trouble, we--" Mark started to explain but the man cut him off.

"That's fucking bullshi--" The man was cut off to the sound of a gun, or more specifically, Felix's gun.

This action sent the other men into fury, and we knew we'd fucked up so bad. Me, Mark and Felix jumped for cover in different directions, and so did the men. This was gonna end either way, and we weren't prepared to be the ones riddled with bullets.


Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Please follow me and add to your library to find out when I update, a vote is always appreciated :3. More chapters coming soon!

So stay tuned and...


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