Chapter 6: Restricted

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2 days later...

"Miss Clark. You're under arrest on suspicion of the murder of Eve Strand. You have the right to remain silent."

Two policemen stood in my kitchen, awaiting your return from school. I knew that it was going to happen, but it still didn't prepare me for the panic that has built up inside me in their presence. The stern looks on their faces and stiff body language doesn't make me feel any more comfortable. The policeman on the left is tall, muscular with strong facial features and the other is shorter, older and was balding. He's on the bigger side and he digs his chin into his chest forming a double chin with a look of disgust that is aimed at me. He looks much less forgiving. The taller policeman's expression softened just a little as he noted the fear in my eyes, but the older man forcefully pulls my arms towards him and fastens the handcuffs around my wrists.

Everything went so quickly, in the car ride there, all I could think of was how cold and heavy the cuffs were. They were beginning to hurt, though it must have been all in my mind because I just wanted them off. I was daydreaming about my chances of being found innocent or guilty when the cops radio catches my attention.

Suspects Rose Pricefeild and Aefa Tanner have reported into the station and are in questioning.

Rose and Aefa have been arrested too... had I dragged them into all of this? Was this my fault?


I knew how bad it looked that we went missing the night she died, I could see the look of the officers eyes, they didn't believe me as I responded to their questions, although I tried to remain calm, literally all I can do is stay truthful. Even if I lied to get myself out, I knew farther down the line it would get me into even more shit. Besides, I know that if this doesn't work, I have Kyle on the outside conjuring up a backup plan. I'm sat in my cell wearing a disgustingly bright orange jumpsuit, my face is wiped of all makeup and my long blonde hair is tied back up into a pony tail. Women walking past my cell look up slightly, giving me a glare, but I'm too mentally drained to even give a damn. I sit on the corner of my rock solid bed, head against the cold brick wall, unwillingly reliving the events that took place since I got here: the mug shots, the questioning, 'mingling' with the other inmates... I say mingling, it's just doing jobs, like washing and ironing in silence, we weren't allowed to talk and the guards are so intimidating, I was afraid to do anything remotely wrong. Talking about guards, one has come to take me to the canteen. I walk in and instantly spot Rose and Aefa, both paired with guards of their own, we all make eye contact and smile reassuringly, a mutual agreement that we're going to be okay. We can't sit where we want so I keep to myself, pushing the food around my plate as I'd lost all appetite.

"You might want to eat a bit more than that, you'll be hungry later" The guard next to me muttered. I looked up at her, she was very tall, broad and muscular, but was extremely pretty in her face with piercing blue eyes. Her eyes were resting on me but quickly averted so she was staring straight forward with a stern look on her face. Obeying her, I shovelled a few spoonfuls down me until I literally couldn't eat anymore. There was still at least half of the dinner left but I pushed it away, the guard sighed in acknowledgment before pulling me up to take me back to my cell.

I wonder what everyone is up to... what do my parents think of me? Do they think I really did it? All I had was my mind and I couldn't stop myself over-thinking as I fell asleep.


I woke up to the clang of my cell doors opening and I could tell from the small barred windows that it was sunrise. Stood in the entrance of my cell.

"Miss Clark, you have a call from a Kyle Jenson."

I follow her out the room into another where there are rows of phones with partitions. I go into the second booth and pick up the phone.



"Yeah it's me" I couldn't help but smile at the sound of his voice, although a little part of me hurt as I heard the concern and worry in his voice.

"How are you holding up? Is everything okay in there?" He asks hurriedly .

"Yeah I'm fine, just lonely and bored at the moment, how's everything at home? How's my mum?" I reply.

"She's worried, but your family know that it wasn't you. I'm staying at yours for a bit so we can talk to your lawyer as well as Rose and Aefa's and we're going to sort things out. Don't worry, you won't be in there for long, it'll all be alright"

"Thanks, Kyle – look after my mum while I'm not there – I have to go now, times up. See you soon, love you lots."

"Love you too" The line cut dead. Those last words had a slight sad tone to them. Sad that this situation is happening. Sad that we can't see each other or be care free. Sad because there's a slither of doubt that I'll be released, especially if they find out we were at her house earlier in the night and I have no alibi, but my lawyer should have that sorted.

My prison guard. Who I found out is called Debbie, leads me back into the canteen where I see Rose and Aefa across the room. Of course we're not allowed to talk. I'm in the middle of my lunch that just seems to stay soggy and tasteless in my mouth, I still have no appetite. Instead I gaze over at my friends in a daydream. But my daydreams interrupted as I see a tall, thin inmate with very short white blonde hair and half a sleeve of tattoos on her right arm shouldered Aefa so she stumbles back and she whispers something into her ear with a threatening look on her face – before I know it, Rose is across the room, pinning the girl to the wall with her forearm across the strangers throat.

"If you touch her again then I swear to God I will fu-"

She was ripped away by her own prison guard, feet swept clearly off the floor, then harshly being lead back to her cell to calm down. The other girl is red in the face fuming, rambling on about something or other I couldn't quite make out while flailing her arms about. I hadn't even noticed that I had escaped the grip of my own guard and I stood by Aefa's side protectively. Our lunch is cut short there and I now have a meeting with my Lawyer – she says she has some news something to discuss with me.

I still wear my heavy hand-cuffs and slowly walk into the vastly empty room. The door behind me shuts loudly making me jump. I sit heavily in a lumpy leather chair with wooden arm rests that are too wide for me to even reach and I let my spine sink into the chair causing me to slump. I glare at the metal restraints hanging on my thin wrists, wishing that they would disappear, when I hear someone enter the room. It's my lawyer, Carly Cavanaugh. Her medium length brown hair is clipped up and thick-framed glasses balance on her nose with a necklace chain that ran around her neck for when she took them off. She's dressed in a dark blue blazer, knee-length pencil skirt and matching clip-on tie. She takes a seat on the other side of the wooden desk and places some files on the table delicately before leaning on them, smiling at me.

"So, Merissa." She clears her throat.

"How are you doing? Are you feeling okay? Being treated well?"

I nod in agreement, but to be honest I don't really feel like talking, knowing that Aefa and Rose have some bitch on their case.

"You don't look it, deary" Her voice is soothing and I feel bad for acting so rude in front of her, but I just don't have the motivation to take aboard the news she has to tell me, with my luck right now, I can't be anything good. "Maybe I could cheer you up with some good news?" She continued.

I look up at that words. Good news.

That is exactly what I need right now.

"Good, I have your attention" She giggles. She leans forward clicking a pen against the table with a smile on her face. "You've been in here for two days, have you not?"

I nod, wanting her to go on. I need to know what she has to say.

"Well, bad news is you have to stay in here a little longer" My heart sinks a little when I hear this but I keep quiet.

"Good news is, you and your friends will be released in twelve days... that is if they don't figure out that you visited Eve earlier the night she was killed, of course. But we have that under control, no cameras link you to the scene as far as we can tell and with the lack of evidence, they can't keep you in here for more than two weeks. "

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