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Hey Guys! I'm sorry but I have writers block! so this chapter will be short but the next chapters will be loooonger xx

Ariana's Pov

I woke up to Jai saying my name.

"Ariana." he says as he stands on the side of the bed and I turn over to look at him.

"What?" I ask with my morning voice which is raspy.

"You mom is here." he says looking down.

"Wha-Wha?" I stutter and slowly get bed. Jai walked behind me as I walked out of my bedroom and to the door. My mom was standing there smirking at me.

"What do you want?" I ask with anger.Why is she here?

"You're are coming back home sweetie." She said and her smirk was not fading at all.

"No I am not. I'm old enough to stay here and I love it here." I said and I clenched my fists. Jai held on to my hand. My mom started to pull something out of her pocket. Jai looked at me and I looked at him. I squeezed his hand. She pulled out a gun.

"What are you doing?!" I practically scream.

"What do you think I'm doing?" She said evilly. I stood there in shock then I felt Jai pull me back roughly and he slammed the door.

"Go call the cops!" Jai said and I ran to the phone in kitchen . I was shaking and I could barely even type 911.

Jai's Pov

I could hear Ariana's mom still outside the door. She had a gun and that scared me. She shoot through the door or the glass windows.

"I called them. they said they would be here any minute." Ariana called from the kitchen. Then I heard a slam of a car door and I couldn't hear her mom standing at the door.

"Ariana she's gone!" I yell looking through the window on the side of the door, I could see her driving down the road. I ran over to Ariana and hugged her.

"What the fuck is wrong with her?" Ariana said through our hug. I almost never see her swear and that shocked me. After we both pulled away we heard a knock on the door and we knew it was the cops. We walk together to the door and I opened it up. I was shirtless with plaid sleepwear shorts and Ariana had one of my shirts on which was too big and bootie shorts on. We were standing there looking like a mess.

"If she still here?" the police asked.

"She just left. She's my mother and she had a gun and everything" Ariana answered. I slid my hand around her waist as the officer wrote down what she said. Then for a few minutes after the police asked questions about Ariana's mother and they wrote it down. They left and Ariana closed the door.

"Jai I'm still scared." she hugs on to me and I stroke her hair.

" I know babe but everything will be okay. Shh." I whisper and I brought her over to the couch. We lay down together and I wrapped my arms around her waist kissing her cheek.

Love is more then a word {FINISHED}Where stories live. Discover now