Makeup Date

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Jai's Pov

Ariana was probably going to move to a house near my house in Australia. Ariana already called her agent and the agent found a show she could star in in Australia so that's a plus. I told my mom and my brothers and they're fine with it. Like Ariana said before that she wasn't going to be with me 24/7 . I would have time to just be with my brothers and my friends. Her agent said yes and them two are buying that house and doing all that "fun" stuff. Today I was going to take Ariana out on a date. A real date considering that our first date went bad. I took a shower and wore some black jeans and a blue shirt.

"Ariana are you almost ready?" I yell

"Yeah 2 minutes." She says. I make sure I have my phone and my wallet. Then I slipped on my Nikes and walked out of the bedroom door. Ariana came walking out as soon as I did. She looked flawless. She had a white skirt and a purple strapless shirt. The skirt was a bit poofy and she looked really pretty.

"Stunning like always." I say and she blushes and I peck her on the lips. She grabs onto my hand and holds on it tightly. We walked out to the car and she drove because its hard for me to drive here because its opposite of what I'm used to.

"Are you excited?" I ask and she gulps.

"We'll yes but I'm nervous about what happened last time." She says

"Babe don't worry he's in jail." I say

"Yeah but..' She says and cut her off

"Don't worry. I wouldn't let anything happens to you Ari." I say and she softy smiles. When we finally get there we managed to stop worrying and have a good time. We get seated at our table and Ariana rests her hand on mine and I kiss her on the lips. I could feel her smiling a bit as we kissed. Even though that kiss what short it still made my heart go crazy. We pulled away and the waiter walked over and it was a girl. She was pretty but not as beautiful as Ari. She looked at me and winked

"Hello l'm GG and i will be your waitor today. Okay what would you like to drink?" She said only looking at me and not bothering to look at Ariana at all. I could see that Ariana noticed

"I would like a iced tea and he's my boyfriend stop hitting on him. Thank you." She said with a smirk.

"Pepsi." I say and the waiter storms away.

"Good job Ari." I chuckle and she giggles. She gives me a high and we both laugh. Then the waiter comes back with our drinks.

"Thank you." I say and the waiter storms away again with a annoyed look on her face.

"She's just jealous of me because I have the best boyfriend in the world!" Ariana says and I smile. We lean in and I peck her on the lips. I loved Ariana so much.

Ariana'a Pov

Our date was going perfect other than a bitch or a waiter but other then that we were having a great time. Surprisingly no paparazzi wasn't there and Jai and I was able to enjoy ourselves. We finished our date and headed back to my house that I would be saying goodbye to in a week.

"Thank you for the date Jai." I say and he grins brightly.

"Anything for you beautiful." I slightly blushed when he said that. Jai was always so caring and nice. He always called me beautiful instead of calling me Ariana and I just think its so sweet! My house wasn't too far away so we got back in no time. We walked in and I laid down on the couch and relaxed. My eyes closed but I jumped with I felt Jai next to me with his arms around me

"I love you." He says and kisses me on the cheek. The couch was small so we were extremely close.

"I love you too." He pecked me on the lips and we laid on the couch and cuddled. Jai was perfect.

"I like this." Jai says and I chuckle.

"Me too." He pecks me on the lips and holds me close.

"How was I so lucky to have you?" He asks and I giggle

"Aw. How was I lucky enough to have you?." I say and he turns to face me and kisses me again. The kiss was long and deep. My heart was doing flutters and he kept his strong arms wrapped around me. None of any of my boyfriends were so sweet like Jai is. Jai pulls away and I brightly grin. Instead of getting up we laid close to each other on the couch and just talked and cuddled. Jai twirled with my hair and I giggled. My hand laid on his chest and he had his arm around me. I was facing him with my head on his shoulder and I felt safe laying there with him. Then I heard a knock on the door.

"Uh I don't want to get up." I moan and Jai gets up as he says

"If you don't want to I will." He said and I chuckled

"No I didn't want to get up because you were with me." He smiled and I grab his hand and we walked to the door. I opened the door up and it was Victoria.

"Hi-" I say but she cuts me off

"You're dating him?" She said with a disgusted look.

"Yeah." I looked at Jai but he stared at Victoria nervously.

"He dated my cousin and broke her heart and I don't want trash like that dating my best friend." She says and Jai looks at me

"I broke up with her because she cheated on me!" Jai says and I could sense that he was angry,

"He's lying." Victoria said. We still haven't made up from when she was being a bitch to me so why would she want to try to help me?

"Bye Victoria." I say and slam in the door in her face. I knew when she was lying and she was lying. I didn't want to have to be annoyed by her and put me in a bad mood. I was having a good time with Jai and that's how I want it to be right now.

"I'm sorry." Jai says but I don't say anything instead I lean in and kiss him on the lips and he slips his hand in my back jean pocket, he would always do that we when we kissed. And his other hand around my waist. We were extreamly close and the kiss got deeper and deeper. My arms slipped around his neck. He tongue then explored my mouth, I felt him softly smile against my lips as we kissed. We pulled away but we were still nose to nose

"No need to say sorry." I say and Jai smiles

"I don't believe her. We got into a fight a while ago and we never made up. It's her way of revenge." I say and out of nowhere Jai picked me up and carried my bridal style to the couch. We laid back down on the couch like we were laying before.

"You liked this right?" Jai says and I nod and I smile. For the rest of the day we kept each other in each others arms.

Love is more then a word {FINISHED}Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon