You're coming with us

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"Well I wouldn't say it's odd. More of a coincidence in my book," I retaliated.

"That's an earth saying. It doesn't mean it's odd, more of chance thing," Garnet tried to explain.

"So we know you're here for Sapphire," Mabel said, trying to connect some lines. "But why?"

"Sapphire, there is something about you. Something special. We need you," Garnet explained.

I laughed out loud, "Me? Special? No way, you have the wrong person."

"Well why not you?" Amethyst asked.

"Well why would you need some huge loser?" I looked down at my feet. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I've never done anything "special" in my life. I guess I'm just a fail."

"How are you a fail? How long have you existed?" Amethyst asked

"13 years."

"How many things could've gone wrong in 13 years?"

I froze, feeling the tension in the air grow thicker. I look her dead in the eye, "A lot. You have no idea what I've been through."

Everyone stayed silent, as if they wanted an explanation.

"It was just me and Dad for years; my mom disappeared when I was born. We lived in peace on Homeworld... until something happened. I still don't know what, but all the hybrids were forced into hiding for who knows how long, until some rubies came and dragged us out of our hiding spots." I take a breath before continuing, "My father and many others were publicly executed, and I was forced to watch."

Everyone gasped, and I really don't blame them.

Dipper starts, "Sapphire thats-"

I shake my head, "No, it's fine. What happened happened, and I don't need sympathy from anyone. After everyone's parents were killed, we were all taken to some sort of facility where we handled the shattered gems and stuff. Rumor has it, the Diamonds we're planning another cluster project," I inform the Crystal Gems.

Steven sighed, "Great."

"Anyway, I made a friend at the facility; her name was Molly. Molly was a half moonstone, and we were roommates. I'm pretty sure it was a mistake because everyone else was paired with a halfie of the same court. But whatever mistake was made, well I would hardly call it a mistake. It made the situation a whole lot better. She was my best friend, and together we cut up, joked, and raised hell in there," I chuckled, but then got serious. "And that's when it all went downhill."

I sat down in the grass, followed by everyone else.

"We were at work, handling the gem shards, when Molly started to toss them at me. I played along, and threw some at her. Soon enough, the entire row of us were having a shard fight, as messed up as that sounds. But guess who decided to come visit that day... Blue Diamond. I honestly didn't even know she was behind me when I turned around to chuck a clump of shards at my other friend Jazzy, but it was too late. I should've noticed when everyone stopped, but I didn't. Blue Diamond waved her arm, and sent out her weird depression wave to completely stop us. It worked enough to get us on our knees, but all of us were slowly growing an immunity since our parents were killed. She yelled, "Who is responsible for this?" And nearly everyone immediately pointed to Molly and I. Her agates grabbed us by our arms and took us away to some cell of a sort. I don't know how long we were in there for, but eventually we were put on trial in front of our Diamonds. This was the first time either of us had seen White Diamond, and can I just say, she's terrifying. It wasn't much of a trial, because I'm pretty sure Blue Diamond made up her mind before it started. Instead of death, we were sentenced to a lifetime of servanthood. White Diamond's pearl took Molly away, and I was taken by Blue's pearl."

Pearl leaned forward, "So how did you end up on Earth?"

Mabel added, "And how did you end up crashed in the forest?"

"Well the Diamonds needed someone to go to Earth very abruptly to investigate for a scouting mission. Nobody was ready, and everyone knew it was a suicide mission, as every mission to earth has been a failure. So I stepped up. I saw it as an escape, and she let me take it."

"So you're on a mission for the Diamonds?" Steven questioned.

I thought for a second, "Okay, yeah. I just realized how bad that makes me look. I promise you guys, I only took that mission to get off of Homeworld. And even if I was with Homeworld, everything was destroyed when my pod caught on fire. There's no communication devices left."

"I believe you, Sapphire. I don't think you would lie about this," Steven smiled.

Amethyst had a guilty look on her face, "I- I didn't know that- I'm sorry I upset you."

"It's okay, I know you had no idea." I patted Amethyst on the shoulder. "But, since I know you guys are against the Diamonds, I want to come with you."

"WAIT!" Mabel screams, startling everyone. "Sapph, you cant just leave us!"

Dipper nodded his head, "Yeah! And not to sound like a child, but we found you first."

Steven's father stood up, "Well if you two want to go, I have room in the van."

Mabel looked at Dipper, and then ran inside. She came back in a matter of seconds, and said, "I just told Grunkle Stan, we're good to go."

I look back to the forest, feeling a call from it.

Not looking back, I told the group, "I need to see if anything useful survived the crash."

"Sounds good," Garnet stated.

Dipper pointed with his thumb, "Lets go, guys."

We walked in a group through the forest, but somewhere along the way, I stupidly got lost. I walked through trees and shrubs for forever, trying to find the group, before I found something stone on the ground. It looked like a statue, but it had its hand wide open. I looked at it, and slowly put my hand on the statue's.

It didn't do anything. I chuckle, "I don't know what I expected it to do-"

I'm interrupted when the hand GRABBED MINE OUT OF NOWHERE. I try and pull it away, but nothing is releasing the stone grip.

"Oh my stars oh my stars oh my-"

An evil laughter fills my ears as the world turns black and white.

"Well howdy, Sapphire."

I wanna clear up something I should've cleared up before. In my story, Gravity Falls is taking place one year in their future, so the next summer after Weirdmageddon is where we are. Also in this universe, Stan and Ford went on their boating trip during the fall, winter, and spring, and came back for the summer. Soos rented the shack to the Pines for the summer (it works in my head). Steven Universe is taking place during the 6th Steven Bomb, in between Lion 4 and Doug Out. Hope that makes sense (and gives you a premonition about the future ;))

Adios Amigos

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