chapter 3

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       For some weird reason, Wattpad isn't letting me indent, Anyway, SO sorry about the long wait! I know three weeks ago I said that I'd update, but too many things came up. The first month of school hasn't even ended, yet I've completed enough projects to last me a lifetime:(  Hope you enjoy this chapter :)

            Jocelyn woke up with a bit of drool, whimsy and floating until all the memories from last night flooded into her mind; she solemnly gets dressed and  sulks downstairs for another round of butt kissing.
     Surprising when she reached downstairs, Brent or the sisters weren't present. Instead, Jocelyn's mother was running around the kitchen in a attempt to make lunch.
    " Where's the wicked witch of the west's husband and daughters." She mumbled.
 Luckily, her mom did not hear her. Instead she said "Brent's coming over for lunch today. Do try to look nice, will u?" She says in a commanding tone. Jocelyn frowned  and asked where  the double trouble duo were.
 " They're probably walking around town, making friends. Unlike some antisocial girl." Jocelyn ignored the insult , and said ,
 "I think I'll go out for lunch."
  Her Mom shrugged and said "Suit yourself. Might as well make some friends while your at it. Always cooped up in your room."

Jocelyn threw on her favorite converse and opened the door. Their neighborhood was really lovely, but wouldn't be nice to see some actual neighbors? Jocelyn was the only one out!
 After wandering around the neighborhood, and passing the same park three times; She finally came across a street filled with teens. This was a huge change considering the quiet neighbor she was in.

The street was filled with shops that really seemed to be teen magnets. She navigated her way into a small coffee shop.
 A small bell rang when she walked in. Surprisingly, it was empty, considering the amount of teens she just saw loitering outside, except for a guy she guessed to be her age. She slid into the barstool in front of him. 

"Hello, welcome to the best coffee shop in town, how can I help you?" the young boy asked in a bored tonw, without looking at her. He seemed to be counting the cash that they may have collected today. She cleared her throat to catch his attention. 

Not looking at a customer was kind of rude... "I'd like a small frappe please," she said in annoyance. The boy looked up at the sound of her voice and gave her a quick smile.
  "Never seen you around here. You're new aren't you?" He asked.

"That's not the point," Jocelyn said, "I ordered something. Aren't you going to take note of it?" Not acknowledging the customer and not bothering with her order? Who hired this guy? He chuckled at her, causing Jocelyn to get even more annoyed. 

"Now I'm positive that you're new. " He gave a cheeky grin.

"I would like my drink." she said ignoring his comment earlier.
He laughed," Of course, I'll be right back,"
 He came out a minute later with a seemingly fresh frappe. "Do you pre make these or something?" Jocelyn said eyeing the drink.
 "I'll tell you my secret if u tell me one of yours" he said with a smirk.
 "Are you flirting with me? " she asked twirling the straw around.
  "Nah, just my charming personality,"

 A long pause unraveled as Jocelyn took an equally long sip, and almost spit it out. "Yuck! What's in this," the boy came a little closer.

 "Here's a tip new girl. Don't order from here," he said  laughing.
  "definitely pre-made." Jocelyn mumbled. No wonder it was so empty here, despite the overloads of teens outside, she thought.
" I'm Avery, and you are ?"  He asked.
 He had blonde locks that fell in his face every once in a while, and had amazing deep brown eyes. Over all, he looked very handsome.  

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