Your First Home

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This preference is part two of the pregnancy, after you found out you were pregnant, you and your man knew you needed a bigger home for to raise your child in. This is the moving day. Your home is above ^^


You are two months pregnant at this point. You don't know the gender of your child but Steve estimates it's a boy since it's more common in both of your families.

It was only about a month after you found out you were pregnant that you and Steve decided on a home to raise your child in. It was just in your budget range, and you found it to be a total win.

Although on the inside there were still some things to fix up, you both just smiled at the thought. This way, you could make the home your own.

Not much size added to your stomach, but you did notice some bloating. Steve made it his mission to start the nursery before any thing else to renovate. He had to be prepared early for this baby.

You had a big plan for the nursery, and knew it would take a few weeks to complete. Especially since Steve would not let you help with a majority of the room, due to your pregnancy.

You both decided on a cream colour to paint it, Steve would not let you near the room while he painted though, he wanted it to be a surprise by the end of the day.

So you kept yourself busy setting up the kitchen, simple enough to unpack the dishes and put a few decorative things on the counter.

Since you and Steve had moved in the week prior you had a lot of the rooms already set up with no need of renovation; it had already had nice floors and a nice colour on the walls, such as your bedroom, bathroom, and living room. Of course there was still the dining room, kitchen and nursery to set up.

You placed a bouquet of flowers in a vase of water as a finishing touch and noticed your husband walked into the kitchen with a smile on his face with little paint marks on his cheeks you assumed were a simple slip up.

He had started the painting early that morning and now reaching the time of noon he had to have been done.

"Your colour scheme was an amazing idea." He started
"It really suits the room." He added.

"I'm sure it does, but I do want to see it still." You smiled, and he came around the counter to give you a kiss.

"Then come along." He held your hand and lead you into the room, you looked around with pure joy.
"It's not completed of course." He added nervously.

In a few weeks time this room would be perfectly set up for your and Steve's baby, the excitement overwhelmed you.

"It looks great Steve, you did wonderful darling." You leaned up to kiss his cheek and you both smiled at the room once again.

Nursery in a few weeks time:

Nursery in a few weeks time:

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