"My Next Victim"

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As I am heading back into my town and I will be committing another murder when I see the next victim again she will not know what is coming for her and it will catch her off guard.

As I am thinking I am a lucky man to commit a crime like this and so far get away with it. And some people might call me crazy, insane, or even twisted, and sick but I don't care what anyone else think's about me because I am me and I will keep on killing people as long as I never get caught doing it.

Just as soon as I get back into town I see her walking on the side walk and I don't bother her at this time I will watch her for a while then take time and then finish the handy work that I've started.

So I fallow her for a bit then I head home to clean up myself and change my clothing and clean all the blood off of me.

Then I am waiting on her to show her face again because I have watched her I do know her daily basis routines. So i see her then I ask her nicely if she would help looking for my child's dog that has taken off. And she said she would be glad to help me so she got into my car and we was headed back to my house.

At my house now and she tells me her name and it is Sherry and Sherry has no idea what is in store for her.

As I play along with me looking for my kid's dog and until we take a little rest and I get her a drink of water and then she goes to the rest room. Then when she comes back out I hit her very hard with the base ball bat in the back of the head and as she falls to the floor. That's when I tied her up and place duct tape on her mouth and placed her into my basement for awhile because I wanted to wait for a few day's before I do kill her.

As I am waiting and still nothing about the murder I've already committed has been hasn't been seen on the news. So I think I can kill Sherry within the next two day's. I waiting to see if anyone files her as a missing person report.

Well it's been two day's now and no one has filed her as missing. So as I bring her up out if my basement and I have her drugged so she won't make no kinda of sound's as I place her into my car and we head out to the old abandon farm. Where I also killed Jennifer at.

As we arrive at the old farm I take her out of the car and put her on the wooden table and tie her arm's and leg's down with straps. So I can grab my weapon's that I will be using to take her life with.

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