"The Rage Is Back Again"

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The rage has surfaced back to the point of no return as I've got to finish setting up my thing's to carry this murder out

As it's time to enjoy the game's laid out for my new best friend.

As she is starting to come back to again. She opens her eye's hoping this was all a horrible dream. 

But she realized at that point that this was real and actually gonna happen. 

As she starts to cry and shake from the fear of what is coming next for her as I try to comfort her telling her this all would be over soon.

And I am sorry but I've got to kill you.

As I take my hunting knife out lay it on her chest and then cutting her clothes off to have completely naked. 

As I cut her leg's and face and across her stomach. 

As she is moving around trying to get away but she can't because I have her tied down to a hard wooden table with her arm's and leg's strapped down. 

As I see tears running down her eye's on her cheeks and I don't show no kind of remorse for what I am doing. I see the fear in her eye's but does that affect me no.

As I move on with my humble piece of artwork I am about to be creating only for me to see.

As I beat her some more with my base ball bat till she's is all black and blue then at last I move her from the wooden table and hang her from a door way like they hang livestock. 

Then as I take my knife and insert it turning it all around inside her stomach and as she starts to come back to she is seeing what I am doing to her as she whines out and cries more. 

Then I take and say to her I want you to feel what I feel and now I want to see your blood run cold across my finger tip's.

And then I say to her now it's time for me to take and gut you like a nasty little worthless pig you are and wiggles all about that doesn't stop me that only makes me mad so I smack her face tell her to stop it and she seems not to listen to well to orders being given to her so I say to her I am not the one to play your silly little game's now it's time for me to take your life. 

As I take my knife and gut her like a nasty little worthless pig she is and as I watch her guts fall around my feet and blood flowing down the front of my body as I laugh and chuckle a bit as I say don't worry when your almost dead I will be placing you back on the table to cut your body up in many different part's so I can mangle your worthless carcass from the back wood's of this state to many different states as well.

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