Chapter Twenty-Seven

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After exchanging introductions with Carmen and Eleazar, Edward whisked me to the bedroom upstairs that Luna and Draco were currently calling home- apparently they had news for me.

I knocked on the door and Luna called out for me to come in. Opening it, the first thing I noticed was that both Luna and Draco were dressed in full robes- and they were wearing travelling cloaks.

"What's going on?" I looked over to Luna, troubled. Luna sighs.

"Harry wrote to us," she said, quietly. "Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy's trials were yesterday."

"Oh." I said, my gaze automatically flicking to Dra-Malfoy. To Malfoy. His complexion looked wan and his eyes were rimmed red. "What were the verdicts?" I asked, uneasy.

"Potter vouched for Mother and got her sentence lightened." Malfoy said, quietly. His voice was hoarse. "She was given ten years in Azkaban. Father... Father was sentenced to death."

I couldn't help the conflicting emotions inside me- on one hand, I was fiercely satisfied that Lucius Malfoy would finally get what he deserved, that he would pay for the suffering he had wrought. On the other hand... looking at Malfoy's face, it was hard not to feel sorry for him. It was a stark reminder that there were people out there who would miss Malfoy Senior- even if I certainly wasn't one of them.

"We're going to England so Draco can say goodbye." Luna says, softly. "We'll be back in three days, in time to help you lay the false trail."

"Be safe," I tell her, walking over so I can pull her into a tight hug.

"I will," she promises.

Deeply troubled, I watched her and Malfoy apparate away, off to Morte Alley to buy a Portkey. Edward touches a hand to my shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asks. I let out a shuddered breath.

"Yeah- I'm okay. Or I will be," I tell him, and he nods. I then frown. "Hang on- do Carmen and Eleazar, know you, know? About me?"

"Luna explained it to them," Edward says, "or rather, she started baking something and they caught sight of the ingredients all flying over to her, and the bowl mixing itself, and the dishes cleaning themselves in the sink." He looks amused and I let out a surprised laugh of my own.

"Well, that's certainly one way to find out! Did they have any questions?"

"Only several thousand," Edward grins crookedly at me. "They got rather disturbed when she started talking about floating worms that slurped up people's thoughts."

"Fligby flutterloos, right?" I ask, and Edward laughs.

"Yes, that's the one."

"Oh Luna," I sigh, feeling very sorry for poor Carmen and Eleazar, but at the same time I can't help the wide grin on myself.

("Ssh. I must consult the fligby flutterloos that float ever-so-lightly on the sprightly breeze."

"Fligby flutterloos?" I asked.

"They're from the moon," she said, as if it explained everything.

It didn't.)


There was one last meeting at the clearing, and then it would be go time.

Edward and I got to the clearing last. It was Eleazar and Carmen's first- and only- practice with us all, and Eleazar and Emmett were already wrestling while Jasper watched with a critical eye, occasionally offering critique. Rosalie lounged on the hard ground, watching Emmett closely, while Alice and Carmen were circling each other, both half slumped forwards in a crouch. Esme and Carlisle were talking a few yards away, heads close together, fingers linked, not paying attention.

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