Chapter Twenty-Five:

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Alice and Luna are both there to drag me out of bed at six pm and dress me up in a fashionable vintage-style, polka dot chiffon dress with a scoop neck and long sleeves. The seamed stockings made the scars visible on my legs less noticeable, and the vintage pumps were sleek black leather, with low heels and laced-up above the ankle.

I leaned back in a chair and dozed as Alice did my hair, her thin, cold fingers braided the top half into complex multiple braids and wrapping them around my head like a crown, the rest falling down in carefully styled waves.

"Are you sure you need to go to this much effort just for graduation?" I yawned as she powdered my cheeks, curled my eyelashes, plucked my eyebrows and applied gloss to my lips.  

"Of course!" Alice looks horrified at the idea of not spending over an hour and a half getting ready for a small-town high-school graduation.

"And what's with the vintage look, anyway?" I ask.

"It suits you," Alice says, simply, "and besides, when fashion doesn't go out of fashion, it becomes style."

"Alice, you're ten kinds of strange." I tell her, and she laughs, the sound tinkling like silver bells.

"Maybe, but I'm still eleven kinds of fabulous." She winks.


Charlie pulled up out the front of the Cullen's manor-like home in his cruiser, but left the cruiser in the driveway, as he, Esme and Carlisle were planning on riding together in Carlisle's Mercedes with Edward and I while the rest were divided between Rosalie's convertible and Edward's Volvo.

Entering the house, Charlie made a beeline to where I was standing, Luna by my side, dressed in green, flowing open-robes with a white summer dress. It was an odd combination, and made her look like a white flower surrounded by long, green leaves. By muggle standards the outfit would be considered beyond bizarre, but with her crown of white carnations weaved into her hair, I thought she looked otherworldly, beautiful and graceful by muggle and magical standards.

"You both look lovely," Charlie said, and I smiled at him, cheeks going pink.

"Thanks dad."

"Are you excited?" he asked me.

"Not really," I admitted.

"Bella, this is a big deal. You're graduating from high school. It's the real world for you now. College. Living on your own... You're not my little girl anymore." Charlie choked up a bit at the end.

"Dad," I moaned. "Please don't get all weepy on me."

"Who's weepy?" he growled. "Now, why aren't you excited?"

"Probably the newest threat to my life." Charlie cringes, and I immediately regret my callous words, but he pulls himself together admirably.

"It's good that Alice is throwing this party. You need something to perk you up." He says, and I snort.

"Sure. A party's exactly what I need."

Charlie laughed at my tone and squeezed my shoulders.

"Is everyone ready to go?" Esme asked in her musical voice, gliding down the staircase.

"Yes, we are." Alice bounced up and down, beaming in excitement. "Let's get this done so we can get ready for the party!" she gushes.

"Alice," Edward sighs, "this is Bella's high school graduation; try not to dismiss it entirely." Alice makes a 'psh' noise, but doesn't say anything else about the party as we make our way to the cars.

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