Casting choyy..

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Hai, so as you can see this is not an update. ✌✌

But then, aku bosan sangat tapi belum ada idea nak update so here am I.

But then, aku bosan sangat tapi belum ada idea nak update so here am I

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Hahahha. Sebenarnya tak kisah pun sesape korang nak letak pasal imaginasi orang lain-lain kan? Sebab aku sendiri pun buat cite ni takde la set sesape in mind.

It's just dari hati. Gittew!

Tapi aku rasa the character agak sesuai kut. Macam Vivy Yusof, I like her strength in running her business and family. So like Emilin.

Mira Filzah, well, she's just too... idk I don't find the right word. Ayu, maybe. Tapi aku pilih dia sebagai Azra sebab yeah, dia lembut. Hahahaha...

Lee Dong Wook jadi Nazreen? Erkk! Tak, tak, ni bukan fanfic macam kat epop tu ok. Jangan kecam saya.

It's just simply because I like him. So what? 😜😜

Okeyy, have a blast qtpie!!

Siapa casting Izham, Luthfi dan Wahi? That is for me to know and for you to figure out. 🌹🌹💖💖

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