Chapter 10

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*About a month later*

(Ed's POV)

"All done!" The doctor says. He has just taken off my casts. I wiggle my toes and fingers. Full feeling comes back to them.

"Thanks, doc," I smile and stand up. I'm a little wobbly. My brother helps me catch my balance.

"Careful, Ed." The doctor says. I smile reassuringly.

"Matt, will you help me to the airport? I have a flight to Rhode Island in two hours." I ask Matt as we walk out of the doctor's office.

"Yeah. Sure, mate." We drive to my house and then to the airport. As I climb out of the car, I'm greeted by tons of flashing lights. Great, paparazzi.

"C'mon Matt, let's get out of here." I say annoyed. Matthew helps me climb the stairs to my jet. Once I'm settled in the jet, Matthew leaves. Soon after, the jet takes off.

Luckily, the flight is only about five hours long. So I don't have to be so anxious about waiting for so long.

When the jet lands and comes to a stop, I grab my bag and head out. At the bottom of the steps, the most beautiful woman in the world is waiting for me. Along *sigh* with Stuart.

"Hey, mate! How you feeling?" Stuart says as I step off the last step.

"Like fifteen pounds has just been lifted off me." Stuart and Taylor laugh. I can't help but laugh at my own joke, too.

"Good to see you not in casts anymore." Taylor says. Surprisingly she says it shyly. Taylor's never shy. Something's up.

"It feels good." I smile at Taylor. She looks down, not letting me see the expression in her eyes. Ok. I'm worried now.

"Hey, let's head back to Taylor's." Stuart says, breaking the short silence.

"Sounds good," The three of us climb into Stuart's SUV.

As we drive, I look in the rearview mirror at Taylor. Her expressions read scared, worried, excited, happy, and nervous. What is up with her?

"Ok, wait here a moment." Taylor says once we get into her house.

"Ok, then." Stuart and Taylor head towards the back of the house.

They've been gone for almost ten minutes. Where on earth could they be? I go to see what's up. I decide to check the backyard. As I slide open the screen door, almost 200 people scream "SURPRISE!" right at me. Behind them, there's a banner that reads, "You Are No Longer Handicapped!". On either side of the phrase is the handicapped sign.

"What do you think?" Reid says running up to me.

"It's just, wow."

"Me, Stuart, John, and your old school mates decided to do this for you." I look out and see some old friends from high school. I love these idiots! Taylor comes up to me and hands me my guitar.

"Why do I need my guitar?" I say, looking at her quizzically.

"You are going to play us a song. Now that you are not handicapped anymore!" Taylor says jokingly while nudging me with her elbow.

"Alright then!" I scream and run to the little stage in the back. "Hey everyone. I have a question to ask you. What song should I play?"

"You Need Me, I Don't Need You." Everyone screams. They have clearly planned this out.

I start strumming. This is going to be fun.


Author's Note:

Sorry, another shortish chapter. But at least it's good news that Ed is out of his casts! But what is up with Taylor? Read the next chapter to find out.

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