Seven- Brotherly Confrontation

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Garroth's POV

Lady Jessica ran into the Guard tower and grabbed my arm. "Wait, what?" I asked.

"No time to talk. Just come on." She ran downstairs and I followed her, into the forest where Sly and Zane stood in a clearing. I pulled out my sword.

Zane looked at me with a tiny smile. Now I'm shocked. Zane hasn't smiled since before father got sick and had that near death experience. "Garroth, look, I'm really sorry. Father, he had me under a brainwashing potion. I admit, yes, I was looking for you, but only to find my brother. I didn't care about your arranged marriage."

I slowly put my sword into its scabbard but kept my hand on it, to draw it at any time. "Go on." I said quietly.

"I never wanted to do what I did." Zane said. "I swear. I'm sorry about all of it, really. I just wanted to find you and be sure you were happy. I wasn't in my right mind, and now that I am, I faked my death like you did and ran. I never, ever, want to return to O'khasis."

I could tell by the look in his eyes- I may not have liked it for a while, but he was my brother and I knew him. He was being entirely truthful. I smiled and opened my arms. He ran into them for a brotherly hug. "It's good to have you back, baby bro."

Lady Jessica and Sly stood back and let us talk. " there something I can use for now to hide my identity until I explain everything tomorrow?" Zane asked.

"Just a minute." I said. I ran back to the tower, ignored Dante and Laurence's questions, and grabbed my old armor and helm.

I ran back to the clearing and handed it to Zane. "There. That keeps identities hidden."

Zane laughed and put on the armor and helm. Lady Jessica and Sly cleaned up the remnants of their date and we returned to the village.

The other two split off to go home and I took Zane to the guard tower.

"Okay, what is going on?" Laurence asked.

"Who's this?" Dante asked, nodding at Zane.

"Stuff is going on Laurence, and this is an old friend." I replied. "He'll be staying in the village from now on."

Laurence nodded. "Okay. Nice to meet you." He shook Zane's hand. Zane stayed quiet but nodded.

Dante shook his hand as well. "Well, I think we should go to bed. It's late. Where's he going to sleep?" He then asked.

Zane tilted his head and shrugged. "I'll take the couch." I said. "He can use my bed until he gets a room here. Or a house. Depends on what he wants to do."

Laurence and Dante accepted it and I showed Zane my room. I went over to the couch we had with a blanket and laid down, falling asleep easily.

The next day was hectic, to say the least. Zane was up early, as was I, and he seemed really scared about what he had to do.

After everyone had breakfast, Lady Jessica called a village meeting.

"Everyone, there's something discovered yesterday you should all know." She began. I gave Zane a small push forward and he went up to stand next to Lady Jessica. "This is our new villager. We've had some interactions with him in the past, not good ones, but we learned the truth yesterday."

Zane slowly took off the helm I lent him. Everyone gasped, and he began speaking. He told his story, about how he never was evil, it was all a mind controlling potion, how he was really sorry, everything.

The village seemed to take it all in pretty well.

"We've had so many shocks lately, what's one more?" Is how Logan put it. Everyone laughed and we went about our business.

Laurence and Dante smiled at me. "Old friend. Riiiight." Laurence said.

"Technically I am." Zane shrugged.

We laughed. "So, what will you do around here?" Dante asked.

"I have no idea." Zane said. "Honestly, I put all my studies into becoming a priest, so I could become High Priest and get away from father. We all know how that worked out, though."

Lady Jessica passed us at that moment. "You can open a church." She said.

"I can?" Zane asked hopefully. I guess he liked being a priest.

"Yeah. Build it up around the Irene statue." Jessica said.

"Thanks." Zane grinned. We showed him where it was. "This is the perfect place for a statue of Lady Irene. And a church."

We agreed, and left him to his work. "I'll send over Brendan to help you. He's our construction guy." Dante said as we left.

Jess's POV

I stood, watching over the village from my house. It was so peaceful lately, I've been worried. I mean, these past few days have been a nice reprieve, being with my entire family again and having at least some calm. No drama.

It's been nice, but with O'khasis on the brink of war with us it's worriesome as well.

Oh well. Enjoy it while you still can, that's what mom says.

It's been almost four days since Sly came to the village. They were some of the best days of my life- all my friends in one place getting along with no conflict. It's a good life.

I suddenly didn't feel so well and leaned against the wall. I was somewhat nauseous, but it passed pretty quickly. Hm. That was odd. Oh well. I had stuff to do, people to see, places to be.

Levin and Malichi had gone to the treehouse with Sly to get to know their dad a bit more. Zoey was spending the time learning more about potions- Lucinda had began teaching her.

Everyone else was doing what they normally did. Except for Cadenza. "Can you take me to Castor's?" She asked when she saw me. "I really want to talk to him again."

I smiled and fiddled with something in my backpack. "Here," I handed it to her. "It's a two-way portable teleporter. Just say 'Castor' to arrive at his place, and 'home' to go back home. Now you can go whenever you feel like it."

"Thanks." Cadenza grinned. "Castor." She dissapeared in a swirl.

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