Chapter 4

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Its different
You're different

Juvia was driven home around 5:30 and Michelle was flexing in Lucy's mirror, without having any actual muscles mind you. Lucy was texting Levy about hanging out tomorrow afternoon when Michelle turned around. "We should invite Wendy over!" She exclaimed. Lucy raised an eyebrow "why?"

"Isn't it obvious?! so I can show off my rugged battle scars!" Michelle said

"You fell in glass"

"Okay, we don't need to talk about that, so pleaseeee can she sleep over?" Michelle whined kneeling at Lucy's bed as she begged. "...I can't say no to that face....mmmmm okay fine but someone has to drive her here and I'm too lazy" Lucy rolled over on her back. Michelle squealed kissing Lucy's cheek and running out of the room to call Wendy.

"You should stay for a whole week!" Michelle  exclaimed from out in the hallway. It wasn't Wendy, Lucy was worried about because Wendy is pretty respectable and sweet. It's Michelle. It's Michelle that Lucy's worried about.

"Okay she's coming over!" Michelle yelled running back into Lucy's room. "So like I need you to promise me something Lu"

"Um okay?"

"Well ya see, Wendy's mom is sick today so her step-brother is dropping her off and well can you make dinner and we all eat it together?" Michelle asked politely.

"Sure I don't see why not" Lucy shrugged "I'm gonna take a quick bath and make dinner okay?"

"Alrighty! Thanks again" Michelle winked leaving Lucy by herself in her room. Lucy lazily rolled off the bad and grabbed her towel proceeding to take her bath. After she was finished she put on shorts and a pajama shirt walking down stairs. She walked to the kitchen cooking for her guests.

About 20 minutes the food was done and there was the ring of the door bell. Michelle ran down the stairs on flung the door open.

Guess who~?

It was Wendy and our buddy ol' pal Natsu. Natsu looked around "you and your sister are living well..." He said admiring the place. "LUCY! WENDY AND HER BROTHER ARE HERE!" Michelle yelled and Natsu almost paled.

"ALRIGHT I'M COMING!" Lucy yelled back bounding down the steps. Natsu swallowed hard, silently praying that it was a different Lucy. Sorry bro.

Lucy froze halfway down the steps and glared at Natsu "Why are you in my house? Why is he in our house?" She first said to Natsu then to Michelle. Wendy and Michelle laughed awkwardly before Michelle ran into the kitchen.

When they left there was a series of angry whispers, something common between these two.

"You live here?!"

"No shit sherlock! Now get out of my house"

"Wendy told me that Michelle had a sister"

"The door is right there"

"Why didn't I ask her who it was?!"

"Just leave then!"

"I swear to god I wouldn't have come here if I would've known that you were here"

"Seriously no one is forcing you to stay"

"And now I have to stay here!"

"Bro! The door is right there!"

Wendy popped her head out from the door nervously "u-uh are you guys coming?" She asked. "Okay fine I'll stay!" Natsu suddenly yelled out walking into the kitchen. "Ughhhhh" Lucy groaned closing the door behind her and trudging her way into the kitchen.

Michelle and Wendy had already set the table and Natsu was still grumbling "I hope you didn't poison the food"

"Aw sorry I would've if I'd know you were coming I would've" Lucy grit her teeth. Her home was her sacred place to relax and restore her mind from all the fucking idiots she has to deal with all day and she did not have the patience to deal with Natsu's shit.

They all sat down and began eating. Wendy and Michelle complimented on the food Lucy made, who was silent through out the entire meal like a ticking time bomb. Natsu had gotten some satisfaction seeing Lucy so annoyed with his presence. "A-ah Natsu-san you can leave now! T-thanks for bringing me here though" Wendy's cheeks flushed pink as she saw Natsu staring at Lucy with a puzzled look on his face.

Lucy was too busy in deep thought to notice. She snapped out of her haze hearing Wendy's voice. A smirk spread across her lips and she stood up and grabbed Natsu by his ear.

"Ow ow ow ow ow"

"C'mon you heard your sister time to leave~!"

"Lucy s-stop! That hurts!"

A crack of thunder sounded followed by a flash of lightning. "Hmm. Looks like you better hurry Pinkie" Lucy said pushing him out. "H-hey! Ugh- fine" Natsu dusted off his clothes and walked to his car; driving off. Lucy shut the door and massaged her temples. Michelle and Wendy had cleaned up so Lucy proceeded to go upstairs.
Why walking she heard a conversation between the two girl's coming from Michelle's room. Her door was just a bit open.

"This plan was a disaster! God Lu can be so stubborn sometimes, would it kill her to try and get a boyfriend?!"

"W-well this plan wasn't fully thought out anyway, who would've guessed Natsu-san and Lucy-san were already acquainted"


"Oh my god-"
"What's wrong?"
"O-oh my god!"
"Know exactly why Lu doesn't like him!"

Wendy tilted her head in confusion. "Why?" Michelle slapped her hand down on her desk. "Lu might be Gay!"

"E-eh?! Y-you mean L-Lucy-san likes girls?" Wendy stuttered her face turning a bright shade of red. "Well I don't know for sure yet but trust me I'll find out!"

"Why don't you just ask her again?"

"Ugh! You wanna do this the fun way or the hard way?"

"Wouldn't the hard way be finding out without asking her?

"Okay we don't need to talk about that! The point is we will find out by the time you leave on Sunday!" Michelle declared. "Ehehe...if you say so" Wendy murmured.

Lucy smiled like a dork, there was always some sort of ludicrous plan Michelle had whenever Wendy came over. Lucy walked back into her room and unintentionally started thinking about her sexuality. I mean up until now she just assumed she was straight from the boys she had little crushes on in the past but uh- what if she was a lesbian or bisexual for that matter? The list of sexualities goes on nowadays.

From all over the place pansexuals to asexuals who just aren't up for this whole "romance" or "sex" thing at all.

Lucy fell asleep with the thought, everyone who has ever gone through this would know that this wasn't an easy road to go down and she wasn't going to find the answer just like that. Looks like Lucy will have to do a little...experimenting?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2016 ⏰

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