Chapter 3

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Building bridges between people and making friendships is what drives the soul to live. Having people who care about you makes you wanna stay with them longer, see how they will change your life around. There's something about these kinds of people that made living worth it.

Lucy grabbed Juvia's hand and intertwined their fingers, Lucy happily went on about what great friends they were gonna be. This made Juvia's eyes water with joy. As they both walked to Lucy's car hand-in-hand Juvia told Lucy that she never had many friends...or friends at all and that she was just so happy that Lucy wanted to be hers.

"LU!" Michelle tackled Lucy in a hug, making Lucy fall on the flat on her butt. Michelle clung to Lucy's waist and  had small tears in her eyes. "What's wrong Michelle?" Lucy pried her sister's tight grip off of her waist and stood up. Juvia blinked in amusement with a small smile. Michelle's eyes filled with tears "I thought you left me here and I would go to child protection services!" She whined.

Lucy rolled her eyes playfully "I don't think I could get rid of you Even if I tried" she smirked. "That's so mean!" Michelle whined. Standing up Michelle rubbed her eyes and looked at a giggling Juvia. "Lu, who's that?" She asked back to her happy nature.

"Michelle this is Juvia! Juvia this is my crybaby sister Michelle!" Lucy introduced and Michelle made a pouty face and shook Juvia's hand. Michelle gasped "We get to take her home with us?!"

"H-huh?" Juvia blushed and Lucy gave Michelle a high five. "Great idea! Let's go!" Lucy said. The energy was so happy that Juvia couldn't help but laugh. Michelle urged her to sit in the front. When everyone was in the car Lucy pulled out of the driveway and started driving home.

"A-are you sure its okay for me to stay at your house?" Juvia asked fidgeting in her seat. "Of course it is!" Lucy beamed as the gate to her house opened and Lucy drove in. Juvia's jaw dropped. "Y-you live here?!"

"Uh yeah? Is that not normal?" Michelle asked. "W-what?! Normal?! Your house It's like a castle!" Juvia stuttered. It was sorta true. Heck, The two of them lived in that very house and only knew a small portion of what was in there.

Lucy laughs "thanks Juvia we're glad to have you her at our castle"

They all get out of the car  and Lucy's unlocks the door. The inside was beautiful for something so simple. This house never ceased to amaze Juvia in the slightest. "I wanna make sandwiches!" Michelle called and dashed down one hall that Juvia could only assume was the kitchen.

Juvia rool Lucy into the living room. "This house is so...big don't you guys need maids?" Juvia asked bewildered. They were blessed with everything.(...expect a full family but that's between you and I)

"Hm, well we only live a small part of it so I think that me and Michelle can keep it clean" Lucy sat down next to Juvia. Juvia nodded and grabbed Lucy's hands. "U-um I know that we've only known each other for a short time but I wanna tell you a secret!" She bursted out as if had been building up for awhile now. "Haha, okay tell me" Lucy giggled.

Juvia let go if Lucy's hand as started pacing back and forth wringing her fingers. "Okay! Okay... I can do this!" Juvia reassured herself and sat back down. "Lucy, there's this guy that I like a-and I have loved him ever since we were younger! In fact we used to be best friends, he saved me from getting hit by a car before the first day of kindergarten, he is honestly really sweet and heroic and I just love him so much-" Juvia paused taking a deep breath.

"He moved in the second grade and we kept in contact...until he started slowly getting busier by the minute and then he stopped talking to me altogether,he lived here in American at the time and I came here all the way from Japan to see him in freshman year and he's done nothing but ignore me and give me the cold shoulder...h-he even went so far as to pretend that he didn't know me this morning  and this after noon, I was so embarrassed and sad and I just felt like crying, he's been one of my only friends and I just didn't understand why he hates me now" Juvia let out a stress relieving huff and looked at Lucy and looked at her with open ears completely captivated, her expression changed from curiosity to 'I'm bout to fuck a bitch up'

"Where this boy at?! I swear to god I will pound him for hurting you!" Lucy growled. Seeing this made Juvia's heart flutter as she calmed Lucy down about the whole situation, swearing on her life that this was all okay.

Lucy huffed hearing a plate smashing right outside the living room and Michelle crying her eyes out, here and Juvia got up and ran to her. Michelle was on the floor with cuts on her hands and knees, there was food on the floor. Lucy picked Michelle up "I'm so sorry about this Juvia, I'll be right back" Lucy carried the crying Michelle on her back down the halland went into a bathroom. Juvia could hear Michelle screaming at Lucy not to take a piece of glass out because it would hurt and felt bad.

Juvia went down the same path she saw Michelle take to the kitchen and enter. The kitchen had mostly sliver steel appliances like what you'd sulee in a bakery, not to mention that the kitchen was enormous. Juvia found q broom and swept up as much glass and food in the area and dumped it in the trash. Juvia sighed. She went into the fridge and took out some egg salad and bread.

One of the easiest sandwiches to make and why would the siblings have egg salad if they didn't like it? It was somewhat difficult to find a tea pot but Juvia made some chamomile tea for Michelle. Juvia found a door in the back of the kitchen that lead to a dining room, she smiled and set the tables.

"This is the least I can do for them because of everything they've done for me" she hummed setting the table. Juvia heard sniffling in the kitchen followed by Lucy calling her name.

Juvia poked her head out the dining hall door. "In here" Michelle wiped her eyes and ran into the dining room with a smile "lu! She made food!!" Michelle squealed and Lucy gave an apologetic smile "thanks Juvia you really didn't have-" Lucy was cut by Juvia pressing two fingers to her lips.

"I wanted to so its no problem" Juvia smiled brightly pulling her hand away. "C'mon Lu just sit and eat" Michelle said as she sat down. Lucy and Juvia sat down and they all started eating and talked about the most random things, it was nice.

Not to mention that Michelle and Lucy haven't sat here in years, it always made them wanna cry...remembering how when they were little Layla would make something in the kitchen with them or let them run around the house in general as she followed behind. Just being here with Juvia filled them with the same happiness.

Funny isn't it?

The seed has been planted
Give it water
Let it blossom
It it wasn't meant to be
It will die.

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