chapter ten

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You left your apartment on Saturday night and ran straight for the taxi cab. You were ahead of time, but you didn't want to be outside before eleven o'clock.

The diner was open twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. You would spend hours at a time with just a notebook and a cup of black coffee, sometimes a bowl of chili or a chocolate shake. It was always quiet at night.

When you arrived, you were given a booth and they took your order. You asked for a cup of coffee only, since you were still waiting on someone. The minutes passed slowly, and you entertained yourself by fiddling with the packets of sweetener.

The bell rang, signaling that there was another customer. You looked up and grinned as Lex strode in, wearing a t-shirt and a pair of turquoise pants. He grinned back and waved at you as he made his way to the booth.

"Sorry I'm late," he said as he took the seat across from you, "I had a call to take before I left."

"It's not a problem," you replied. "I was early."

He nodded and looked around. "So, a date at midnight." Your face flushed and you looked down. "It's got to be one of the best ideas I've ever heard."

"Well, thanks," you said. You picked up your cup of coffee and took a sip.

Lex picked up the menu in front of him and opened it up. As his eyes scanned the pages, he said, "How have you been?"

Your smile faded as you tried to keep the memories away. "I... can we not talk about what happened, please?" Your folded your hands on the table. It had been two days, and you wanted nothing more than to shove the thoughts deep down.

His blue eyes met yours. "Sure. We don't have to talk about it ever again. I just want to know if you're okay."

"I'm okay," you answered quickly. You looked down until you felt his hand on top of yours. His fingers were shaking, as if he was terrified of what he was doing. You flipped your hand palm-up and slid your fingers through his. You noticed that his breath hitched in his throat.

"Alright, you two," the waitress said as she approached the table. You jumped a bit and pulled your hand from his. She smiled at you and pulled out a notepad. "Can I get you anything?"

Lex smiled and looked down. "Uh... I'll take a large shake?"

She nodded. "What flavor?"

You turned your menu and point at the top at the list of flavors. Lex looked over at you and nodded, a smirk on his face. "Mm... strawberry," he answered.

"Sure, sure." The waitress blew a bubble with her pink gum and looked at you. "What about you, sweetie? Another cup of coffee?"

"Please," you answered. "And a basket of fries."

"Fries and a shake," she repeated to herself. She slid her pencil into the pocket of her apron. "I'll be back soon."

"Thank you," you said as she walked off.

Once she was gone, you were left in a slightly uncomfortable silence. You longed to feel his hand around yours again, but you were too shy to ask. Instead, you looked up at him and said, "When's the next party?"

"Probably not for a couple of months," he answered. "I've been busy with work lately."

You nodded. "What kind of work is it?"

"A bit of everything," he answered. He pursed his lips together.

"What, you can't tell me what kind of everything?"

He looked up at you and shook his head slightly. "I just... I think that it might affect what we have if I tell you."

Your eyebrows furrowed together. "What do you mean?" you whispered. "You're not gonna murder me, are you?"

He chuckled. "No, no, no. Just... I don't know." He looked down and let out a deep breath. "I'll tell you, just not here. Deal?"

"Deal," you answered.

"Okay, lovebirds," the waitress sang out. She cheerfully sat her tray onto the table and passed the food out. "One strawberry milkshake for you and a fresh coffee and basket of fries for you. Is there anything else I can get you?"

"No, I think we are good," Lex said politely. "Thank you."

"Thank you," she said. She grabbed her tray and hurried off.

You picked up a fry and popped it onto your mouth. "So when you said that you couldn't talk about what was happening here, that means..."

"If you'd like, I can take you back to LexCorp." He smiled and grabbed the cherry off the top of the whipped cream. "I trust you, ___, and I hope that you can trust me when I say that I'll tell you everything that you'll need to know."

"I trust you, Lex."

He pushed the cherry into his mouth and licked his fingers. While he was chewing, he mumbled, "Good."

You smirked and pushed the basket of fries towards him. "Help yourself." He picked up a couple. "Have you ever dipped them into your milkshake?"

"Maybe when I was five, but a strawberry milkshake? No way."

"Try it!" you said. "C'mon, Lex, you said that you could trust me!"

He raised his eyebrows and sighed. "Alright." He grabbed another fry and dunked it into the milkshake. He lifted it and gave you an 'are you sure about this?' kind of look. He smiled encouragingly and nodded him on. He took a bite and grimaced for only a second. "Okay... okay, that wasn't as bad as I thought it would be."

"Ha! What did I say?"

"Ah, but I said that it wasn't as bad, not that it was good."

"Well, it doesn't matter. You liked it, and I was right. That's all that matters." You laughed and looked down.

After a moment of silence, Lex sighed. "___, I was actually hoping that you would bring this up yourself, but... a couple of days ago, when I took you home..."

"Oh." You crossed your arms as your cheeks burned a dark red. "I don't exactly know what to say about what - uh - happened."

He smiled and looked down. "Well, I'll say that it was amazing, and I hope that it wasn't our last." You hesitantly gazed back up at him. "I like you a lot, ___."

Your lips curled up into a small smile. "I like you, too."

Psychotic (BVS Lex Luthor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now