chapter three

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You wiped your palms against the material of your dress. You wore a long, rich blue dress that flowed out nicely. It was elegant, but it was also simple. You had on heels, which was something else that was added to your list of worries. How embarrassing would it be if you face planted in the middle of the party?

Clark, dressed nicely in a simple suit, walked at your side. You both stood outside of the party. He watched the guests that entered. You looked behind you and gazed at the guests that flooded into the building.

"Who's that?" Clark mumbled to you.

You jerked your head up to his and looked at where he was nodding. An unfamiliar man with greying hair stepped out of a black vehicle. "I have no idea."

"You two must be new," a voice from behind you said. "That is Bruce Wayne."

The name was new to you. You glanced up at Clark and raised your eyebrows. "Do you know him, Clark?"

He shook his head and looked down at you. "No, no, I don't."

You smiled. "Let's get inside before we miss something interesting," you suggested.

Clark nodded and started towards the entrance, you at his heels. As soon as you stepped inside, you were overwhelmed with the amount of people inside. A man approached you and held out a tray of glasses filled with bubbly champagne.

"Oh. Thank you." You delicately picked it up and sipped at the sparkling liquid. Clark politely declined and started to weave himself through the crowd. You followed him, nearly dumping your champagne on his back at his sudden stop.

He started to talk to someone. You walked around him and looked up at the two tall gentlemen before you. Bruce Wayne, the man that Clark was watching outside of the party, was standing in front of him. They're faces were stiff, their smiles forced, the conversation strained.

'Why on earth is Clark talking to this guy? We're supposed to be finding something interesting!' You exhaled deeply and took a long drink out of your glass.

"Boys!" a voice exclaimed from behind you. You glanced up from your drink and saw him. He was nicely dressed in a dark suit and his long, reddish orange hair was brushed neatly. "Bruce Wayne meets Clark Kent. Ha! I love it! I love bringing people together! How are you?"

"Lex," Clark mumbled in response. He held out his hand.

As Lex shook Clark's hand, he grinned. "Wow, quite the grip!" He looked over at Bruce. "You should not pick a fight with this person."

"You're Lex Luthor," you breathed.

His head turned to you, and his eyes widened. "Hello. Yes, yes, that's me! And you are-?"

"Oh!" You flushed red and held out your hand. "I'm ___ ____, just a writer for the Daily Planet."

Lex took your hand and shook it. His smile grew and he said, "Just a writer for the Daily Planet? I don't believe it." He glanced up and nodded at Bruce and Clark. "If you'll excuse me, gentlemen."

"It was nice seeing you again, Lex," Bruce said politely.

"Mhm, mhm, always a pleasure, Mr. Wayne." Lex turned back to you and held out his arm. "May I escort you around Ms. ____?"

You smiled and blushed, shock planted on your face. "Y-Yeah, sure." You glanced up at Clark, but he was already gone. Your face fell for a bit before you looked back at Lex. His eyebrows shot up as he waited. You took his arm and smiled. "Okay."

He grinned again and started to walk forward. "How are you enjoying the party so far Ms. ____?" he asked politely.

"Oh, it's great. And you can just call me ___, Mr. Luthor-"

Psychotic (BVS Lex Luthor x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now