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"Chidori stream."

Sasuke sent electricity buzzing though the air. Naruto was knocked a few feet back, while Sakura retreated a few steps away, but otherwise didnt flinch.

"Impressive." Sakura grinned. "I see you haven't wasted these past three years. But then again," Sakura got into her stance. "Neither did I."

Sasuke activated his Sharingun, looking for an opening in her defences, and was surprised to see none. Sakura was much different from what he remembered.

'I'll just have to make an opening myself.' He thought, rushing forwards with his sword in hand.

He was about to bring his sword down upon her with killing intent, when she just suddenly disappeared and reappeared behind him. 

"Now, now. I don't think that's the proper way to treat a former teammate." Sakura teased, her warm breath tickling Sasuke's ear.

He whirled around, swinging his sword towards her abdomen, but she wasn't there. 

How did she get so fast?

Sasuke heard a light and airy chuckle coming from above him. He looked up only to see Sakura standing almost exactly where Sasuke had been standing before, and he looked down to find that the was standing in the spot where Sakura had been standing a minute ago.

"It seem that our places have been reversed." Sakura mused, a cat-like grin stretching across her face.

Sasuke had a feeling that she didn't only mean their physical positions.

Sasuke leaped towards Sakura once again, but Sakura was already on the other side of the crater.

He grit his teeth. "I'm done with this silly game." His hands flashed together, forming a sequence of hand signs. "It's over."

Sasuke raised his hand only to have it caught by none other than the snake himself.

"I wouldn't bother with that jutsu." Orochimaru hissed.

"Ah! Orochimaru! How nice of you to join us!" Sakura clasped her hands in faux joy.

The said person narrowed his eyes at the pink haired girl who dared address him so casually.

"And you are?..." 

Sakura bowed lowly, "Sakura Haruno, sir. I am absolutely repulsed to make your acquaintance." She grinned.

"Don't speak to Lord Orochimaru that way, you lowly brat." Kabuto flashed into sight beside Sasuke.

Orochimaru assessed her, looking for any threats that this kunoichi could possibly possess. His eyes widened when he found her reminding him of someone he never wanted to be reminded of. 

With her straight posture, and her cocky smile, and the air of nonchalance and slight amusement. She reminded him of non other than the Queen of Masks, whom he had met so long ago.

He remembered it clear as day. The mask covering her face. The short blue hair framing her face. The blue-grey eyes.  The slight rasp to her voice, and the truckloads of sarcasm she put into it.

But, as fast as she had came, she was gone. 

Orochimaru tried to detect whether this girl's appearance was a disguise, but found no active chakra. 

So if this wasn't the Queen of Masks herself, then who could resemble her so much? 

He growled and attacked, racing forwards at blinding speed, his snake sword emerging from his mouth. 

There was a splatter of blood on Orochimaru's face, and he frowned. The girl had caught his sword in her hand, with a hiss of pain. "Ugh. This shoulder is killing me." She released the blade, and her hand began to glow, healing the deep cut. 

She frowned slightly. "Why am I here again?" False enlightenment could be seen on her face. "Oh right! I'm here to retrieve my subordinate." 

Sasuke grit his teeth at the thought offing called a subordinate by Sakura.

"Come along, Sai."

The Queen of Masks [Sakura Haruno Story]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora