"See those cars over there." Robert pointed. "If we manage to move them, we can probably squeeze the cars in one by one. Except that's probably going to take a while to do." he added thoughtfully.

"We need to do something though. Even if it might take forever, we can't stay here."

He nodded and then I walked over to the car where my family was. Dianne was in the back, completely knocked out. Good. She didn't need to be even more stressed, it wouldn't help the baby...or babies. Anita was in the backseat as well watching over Dianne. She was in protective mode at the moment. I remember how my dad said she acted more like a mother than my mom did. My mother was always carefree about things, Anita was always the one to over analyze. I told Stephen and Oscar about how we had to move the cars to get past and what we planned to do. They seemed cool with the idea and I shot Andy a look when he tried to get out of the car.

"You are staying right here mister." I said quietly. 

He looked hurt and then settled back in the seat. 

We walked towards the trailer and this time I was prepared. I had grabbed a cloth to put over my nose and covered it with some good smelling perfume.

Round two. 

We set to work on trying to move the cars that were on the other side of the trailer. We moved two of them with little trouble but the other ones were quite harder. There was one car that was flipped on its side, blocking us from being able to see what was on the other side. It unnerved us, we didn't know what to expect. Sam and Rick gave us the all clear and stumbled back to the car. They didn't like the smell one bit.

"Here." Robert said and boosted me up. I was on the car and I crept slowly to look over. The rode seemed pretty clear, well except for a few cars on the side. i spotted atleast two zombies stumbling around. I told Robert the information and he just nodded. We were going to have to push the car until it flipped onto it's wheels. I climbed back down and felt arms around my waist, I turned around alarmed but it was just Robert. Dorothy and her people were helping as well. Alicia was keeping Stephen entertained so he didn't notice what we were doing. Knowing him he would probably say this idea was really stupid. 

We pushed and then there was the painful sound of metal being scraped against the street. Then I heard a low groaning and my eyebrows shot up in confusion. Two hands reached out from under the car and there was two fingers missing from the left hand. I jumped back in surprise and then a zombies head popped out. Half of the face was squashed in and it was a wonder why it wasn't dead yet. There had been a whole car on it! It's brains should have been crushed. Dorothy let out a little yelp and a whimper. 

Wyatt walked over calmly and raised a baseball bat and brought it down on the zombies head. Blood went everywhere and landed on my jeans. Why couldn't I go one day without getting zombie blood all over me? Just one day? That wasn't too much to ask for was it? I sighed and then looked up and met his eyes. He smiled crookedly and then raised his eyebrows.

"Well you guys were just staring at it frozen in fear. You're welcome." he said arrogantly. 

"Whatever, thanks." I replied coldly. 

Turns out we didn't need to flip the car. It slid to the side easily. We felt like idiots. The only disgusting part was that the zombie was dragged with the car as well, and lets just say the view wasn't that pretty. Robert went ahead on his motorcycle and killed the zombies we had seen. He came back with an uneasy smile. 

"What happened?" I asked curiously.

"I think, there might be more zombies....coming this way." he replied slowly. He looked worried.

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