"Ready then baby?" Niall asked as we stood in front of the hospital doors. I could hear the screaming already. "Ready" I said as I squeezed his hand. The doors were opened to reveal a massive crowds of people. I wasn't really focusing on them I was more focusing on Noah getting to the car safely. I looked back at Harry and Arlie to see that Arlie was in tears, this usually happens when she's in big crowds, she gets really panicky and she's asthmatic too which doesn't help. Soon we were at the car, Harry was coming with us and Liam and Louis we're going in another car.

"Arlie princess, it's okay now" I said holding her hand. I decided to sit in the back with Arlie and Noah just incase anything happens. "Arlie calm down" I said softly. "Arlie baby, you need to calm down now" Harry said turning around to face us. "Ni do you have her inhaler?" I asked. "No I left it at home" he said. "Okay, we're almost home now anyway" I said trying to calm our little four year old.

"Welcome home baby boy" Niall said placing Noah's car seat on the floor. "Have you seen twitter?" Louis asked. "No, what?" I asked. "Have a look" he said. I unlocked my phone and saw all the tweets from our family.

@LottieTomlinson: Congratulations Niall&India! You have a lovely little family, can't wait to meet Noah soon😘

@TommyNapolitano: Is that the patter of tiny feet? Congrats Niall and India on your little baby boy x

@FizTommo: #WelcomeBabyNoah Can't wait to meet you soon!! I bet you're just as lovely as your mummy and daddy💘

@PhoebeTommo: #WelcomeBabyNoah just want to let you know you have the best mummy and daddy ever!🎀🎀🎀

@DaisyTomlinson: It's a boy!! Noah is such a little cutie! Can't wait to meet him💞

@JayDeakin: Congratulations India and Niall! You have a perfect little family! Arlie and Noah are so lucky to have you!💕💕

@GregHoran: Congrats little brother on your second child! He looks gorgeous! You guys need to come to Ireland sometime soon

@GemmaStyles: CONGRATULATIONS INDIA&NIALL! Baby number 2! Wow can't wait to see the little man👶🏼

@AnneTwist: Congratulations Niall and India! I bet he's lovely👣

@MauraHoran: Welcome to the world to my little grandson Noah Romeo Horan! Can't wait to see you and Arlie again soon, a trip to Ireland I think😉

I smiled at the tweets and got Noah out of his car seat. "Uncle Louis come play!" Arlie whined pulling on Louis's arm. "Come and sit with Uncle Louis" Louis said. "I want to play" she whined. "Not now gorgeous" Liam said picking her up. "Are you tired?" I asked. "No" she whined. "I hope you wasn't like this with auntie Lottie" Niall said. "Why don't you come and play with Uncle Harry" Harry suggested. "Yeah!" She said getting up.

"Is it alright if Tommy and Lottie come over later?" Louis asked. "Yeah that's fine" I said while rocking Noah. He is literally my world. "UNCLE HARRY NO!" I heard Arlie shout. "Hang on a second" I said handing Noah to Niall. "What's all this noise?" I asked walking into the play room. "I think someone's tired" Harry said picking her up. "No" she whined kicking Harry.

"Arlie be good" I warned. "I think she's a bit jealous of Noah" I said quietly so Harry could hear. "Let's go downstairs with everyone else and Auntie Lottie and Uncle Tommy will be here soon" I said. I know Arlie loves Tommy and Lottie. "ARLIE!" I heard Louis call. "Auntie Lottie is probably here now" I said as Harry picked her up. "Shall we go and see Auntie Lottie and Uncle Tommy?" I asked.

"Auntie Lottie!" Arlie yelled throwing her arms around Lottie. "What about uncle Tommy?" Tommy laughed. "Uncle Tommy!" She said and hugged him. "Shall we see your little brother?" Lottie asked holding her hand. "Yes!" She said leading the way. "Oh he's gorgeous" Tommy cooed. "Congratulations!" Lottie said hugging me. "Thank you" I said. "He looks just like you Indie!" Lottie said taking Noah off of Niall.

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