"So basically...According to you. I was kidnapped by Amber and Ryan away from you. They made me think that I didn't know you, so I only knew amber and Andy. They made me think that I was best friends with Amber..and then I fell in love with Andy? But! You wanted me back, so you talked Ace into being friends with Andy so he could 'kidnap' me away from them. So I could be with the real guy I 'love' which is you?" I ask, kinda proud of myself that I put all that together.
"Yes....yes that's exactly right!" Ryan said with a huge smile. (A/N: It's explained better in the comments! Sorry if you got confused at all but honestly, it's not that confusing.)
"So you believe me?" Ryan asks with excitement, is he for real? Why is he so urgent to gain my trust and know that I believe him?
"Yeah I guess. I mean...I don't know if I trust you guys yet...I just met you. Well at least in my mind." I weak smile at them and they relax.
"Wait." I stop both of them as Ryan leans over to whisper something in Aces ear, they freeze and face me again.
"What's my name?" I ask, out of all the questions I asked I never got told my stupid name. Ace looks over at Ryan but Ryan doesn't look back at him.
"Your name is Olivia. But we call you Liv."
"Oh okay..." Ryan leans back over to Ace and whispers the rest of what he had said before. Ace nods and leaves walking into another room. Ryan looks at me and comes a bit closer, still leaving enough space so that I don't feel uncomfortable. I love my space bubble, and my space bubble loves me!
"It's early. Ace is gonna go make us some chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. I know that's your favorite." Ryan says while reaching for my hand, leading us into the kitchen. I walk over to where Ace is and watch him cook the bacon.
"It's turkey bacon, it's the kind you only really eat. Or at least you use to only like." He gives me a nervous smile and I quickly return it with a pleased smile.
"I'm sure it will be great, thank you." I say as kind as I can. I mean he is cooking me food and he did bring me back home...I think.
"Hey Liv. Can you get the chocolate chips for me? They're in the pantry." Ace asks me as he makes the pancake batter. I nod and walk over to what looks like the pantry. I open it up and see the chocolate chips, then it hits me. ----------------flashback------------------
I turned back around to face the pantry and look for the pancake mix and chocolate chips. Chocolate chip pancakes are my favorite!
"Aha! Here you are!!! You think you could hide!" Laughed a girls voice, man she is hyper today... I went to grab the chocolate chips and took one out of the bag. Chocolate!! Then I feel a man behind me reaching for one too. He blows into my ear, a cool minty breath. My legs start to turn into jelly. But I quickly regain strength and walked away following the girl to make pancakes. He tapped me on the butt as I went off and I glared back at him.
"What's wrong with you?" I mouthed.
"I can't help it." I remember him saying.
------------flashback over---------------
I feel my head get heaving but over power it. I grab the chocolate chips and put them on the counter I front of Ace.
"Thanks!" He says sweetly. I smile at him and walk towards the kitchen doors leading to the huge backyard. I open the doors up.
"Hey Ace, can you call me in when the food is ready? Unless you need my hel-" I start to say but get cut off.
"No no! I'm all good. You go look around the yard it's really peaceful." He chuckles a bit and goes back to making the pancakes. I walk outside and smile to myself as I breath in the fresh air. I look around and see a big brown porch with chairs and a table on it. A stove to one side and stairs leading down the grass. A ginormous pool is down the path from the porch, and in a corner of the yard, there is a cute porch swing with a roof over it. Like the one in the movie 'Parent Trap' hey! I remembered something else. Well it's a start I guess. But it's not a majorly important thing. Unlike the other memory of me making pancakes. Who was the girl and who was the guy? I felt safe in that moment remembering. I wasn't confused or angry...well I wasn't...but now I am!!! I can't remember anything! I just need a name or a face! Anything! The girl and guy were just two blur. While I could see the chocolate chips perfectly.
"Hey Liv! Foods done!!!!" I hear Ryan yell at me. I guess I'll have to think about it later.
I'm finishing up my last piece of bacon when Ryan speaks up.
"So what are you gonna do today Liv?" I shrugged a bit and then decided.
"Um maybe go for a swim? Do I have a bathing suit here?" I ask, munching on my bacon and taking a sip of water.
"Yeah, we bought you some new clothes since you hadn't been here in a while, we thought that you might have grown a bit. Glad we thought about that, cause you did." He smirks a bit at me and then takes another bit of his pancake. I feel my cheeks go a little red. Was I really blushing? Why??!! Ugh no no no! No more! I smile and get up with my plate and cup. Keeping the cup, I put the place into the dishwasher and thank Ace for the food. I run up the stairs and go into my room. Putting my cup on my vanity I walk over to my closet and see that it is HUGE! Like HUGE! I look and see a dresser with labels. Thank you Ryan! I open up the one that says swimsuits and others. I pull out a cute dark navy and white striped bathing suit that ties in the middle with a knot. I try on the bathing suit, liking how it looks on me. It doesn't show too much but shows enough. I don't want these guys getting any ideas...even if one of them claims to be my old boy friend. I throw on a white lace cover up and grab a pair of sunglasses. I walk out of my bedroom with my stuff and water. I look around for a closet and open each door on the level trying to find one with towels in it. I open up the first door and see a big room that is boy styled. It has to be one of the boys so I quickly shut the door. Then I go over to the next one across from the first one. I open it up and see it's a bathroom. I already have a bathroom in my room so I guess this must be Aces or Ryan's. I go through the other two doors and find another boys room and a guess room. The. Finally look at the last door and YES! It's towels! I grab a towel and then start to head down the hall when I notice that I forgot to close the guest rooms door. I quickly run back up the hall way and look into the room. I see a large bed, a small T.V, and more then I notice something on the desk. A computer. I quickly shut the door when I hear footsteps and walk down the hall. I'll have to go back and go onto that computer. I see Ryan at the end of the hall way walking into his room and shutting the door. I decide not to snoop so I walk past him, and go outside to the pool. I put my stuff down onto a table and throw my shades on while dangling my feet in the cold but cooling water. I look up the sun and sigh.
It's gonna be a long hot day.
Hey guys! Wow! My book has been seen over 8k times! Agh that is amazing to me, and I want to thank all of you for doing this. I honestly was just writing this for fun, and then I realized that you guys liked it and shared it and stuff. Now if you haven't already noticed, I do NOT write dirty scenes. If you want those, you probably will not find them here. I'm sorry but in real life I am a Christian, and I don't feel comfortable about writing that type of crap! So all that's gonna really be in here is some make out sessions and stuff. But nothing more! I hope yall can respect that and will support me with it.
(I mean if you really want Roe and somebody to do something like that, go and read another story with that and then read my story! Boom!!! It's like I wrote it! But really I didn't!)
Anyway! Thank you again so much for all your support, cause honestly guys without you I would have not written again, and wouldn't be writing now.

Now now!!! I know this isn't the best chapter, it's more of a filler, but at least your getting a bit more info. Also! Hey don't be a silent reader! Comment your questions or ideas about what should or will happen next! I need ideas guys! I may not use all of them but I can certainly try!

P.S-I might want to start doing shout outs! So keep commenting and liking my chapters!
Love Yall!
Xoxo peace!!

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