I decided to get up and take a shower. I couldn't go back to sleep, nor did I want to. I wondered if mum and Joe get this kind of nightmare too. Joe? Probably. Mum? I don't think so, considering how she could be totally fine with not showing up at all after the funeral.

I limped (my feet still hurt) out of the shower and patted some baby powder on my body and neck. Baby powder was a necessity every time my dad brought Joe and I camping or kayaking when we were small. I got used to it and now I use it sometimes after I take a shower. I like to feel dry and fresh.


"Wow, you look terrible," said Alice as we walked to the lockers, "Look at those hideous bags under your eyes!"

"Bad day?" asked Jen.

"Bad century," okay, I was quoting Damon Salvatore. Jen chuckled in response. She's a huge TVD fan.

"Oh, come on. I've got the best concealer with me," Maya fished out a small tube and hand it to me.

I squeezed out a small amount of whatever's inside and rubbed it around my eyes. Alice, Maya and Jen burst into laughter after a few seconds.

"What?" I asked. I have no idea why they were laughing. I examine the tube of concealer Maya gave me. It was few shades darker than my skin. Maya has olive skin due to her latin heritage. She looks like a goddess while I'm awkward and pale. No wonder they're laughing, I must look like a weird panda right now.

"You're so stupid all the time, you should have looked," laughed Alice.

"Take this," Maya gave me a pack of wet towels. I rolled my eyes and used it to wipe away the thing I just put around my eye.

"Cheer up, we'll get you ice cream after school," Jen squeezed my arm and said.

"It better be strawberry flavoured with sprinkles on top," I said.

"The only thing you know is to eat. Look at you, you look 10 times fatter than last week," joked Alice.

"Well, what's the point of living if I can't even eat what I want?" Yep, that's pretty much my motto. Alice laughed, but she sure doesn't agree with me.

"We'll see you around," Jen said. I waved them good-bye and continued to take out the books I need today. I looked at the small mirror I had in my pocket, there was still a bit of orange-y stuff around my eye. Ugh.

"Hey," I jumped at the voice right behind me. I turned around and saw a familiar, handsome face.

"Remember me?" he said with a shy yet heart-warming grin on his face. I tilted my head and tried to recall my memory.

"The guy who bumped into you last week?" he continued.

"Oh right," I said in sudden realization, "you're-" I remembered his name starts with "L", was it Leo? or Landon?

"Liam," he said and extended his hand to shake mine.

"Right, Liam," I smiled, "Em, I didn't know you go to school here."

"I just transferred here. Today's my first day."

"Oh, great," I tried to sound genuine but I really don't know what to say. This is so awkward. I mean I know this guy, but we're not exactly friends. Besides, he helped me when I fell down the stairs but Gabriel beat him up badly. I kind of owed him big.

We went silent for a couple of seconds before I decided to break the awkwardness. "So, I guess I'll see you around," I smiled as friendly as I could, "If you need anything, just find me, yeah?" I'm bad at making conversations and he seemed pretty shy and awkward too. The fact that he's good-looking didn't make it any easier.


"So, ugh, I should get to class," I said before awkwardly walking away.

"Wait," Liam stopped me, "Do you know where is room 203?" He showed me the school map.

"Oh," I took a look at the map, "history class?"


"I'm heading there too, we can walk together."

"Oh my God, thank you so much ," he exclaimed with much enthusiasm, " I'm totally freaking out. This school is enormous and I don't know a single damn person in this school."

"Well, you know me now."

"You have no idea how grateful I am." I chuckled lightly. He's actually quite nice once I get to know him better. He's a bit like me, he's easy to talk to once he feels comfortable with the environment.

"Why are those girls staring at me like they want to eat me up?" he asked, slightly appalled.

I followed his glance and saw a group of giggling girls ogling Liam. I'm not surprised because honestly he's quite an eye-candy. He has blonde hair, blue eyes, dimples and a bit of freckles on his nose. He looked a bit like a girl, though.

"Don't mind about them. I guess your old school wasn't like this?"

"Of course not. I went to an all-boys school before I come here. I haven't seen so many girls in my life."

"Wow," I said, "What makes you come to Edmundson?"

"My parents went to Africa so I moved in with my uncle and aunt. They live around here. Are the people nice in this school?" he sounded worried.

"Um, most of them are fine." I don't think it'll be a problem to make friends. He's weird but kind of cute at the same time.

"I heard people put spiders in newcomers' lockers."

"I'm sure you'll be fine. You can always hang with me if you want," I laughed inwardly at his misconception. He's so innocent and childish, yet cute.

"Thank you so much, Charlotte. You're like the best person in the world. I guess I'll see you at lunch then?" Liam said as we reached our separate classrooms.



The rest of the day passed without much excitement. I sleep through approximately two-thirds of the lessons.

When it came to Mathematics- the lesson before lunch, I still felt really tired. Mr. Smith is the strictest teacher in school, I'll be dead if I sleep in his class. But obviously, I couldn't care less because I'm a rebel. (lol no I'm just a useless piece of crap)

"Piglet," Gabriel nudged me. Right, I almost forgot his existence. He sat next to me ever since that day in Math to annoy me, obviously.

"What?" I tried my best to open my already half-closed eyes, but my eyelids seemed to weigh a thousand pounds.

"Wake up, Mr Sm..." the rest of the sentence was blurred because I fell into sleep and couldn't hear him.

He nudged me again, waking me from my sleep. I ignored him and continue to sleep. What's his matter? Why can't he just let me sleep?

When he nudged me the third time, I got so aggravated that I couldn't ignore him anymore. "What's wrong with you?" I scolded.

Gabriel gestured me to notice what's going on. In front of me was a very angry and murderous Mr. Smith.

"Ms Jacobsen? See me after lesson," Mr Smith announced sternly.

I slumped in my chair helplessly. Why does this have to happen to me? Why is my life so miserable? Whyyyyy? I looked up and saw Gabriel with that irritating I-told-ya smirk. I glared at him with much hostility. If it wasn't for Mr. Smith's sake I would have, I would have--

"Is there a problem? Ms Jacobsen?" Mr Smith's alarming voice echoed in the room.

"No, no. Sorry, sir," I said, deflated.





x, grace


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