First Date (pt. 2)

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Your POV

We were in the car on the way to Olive Garden. I took Ross's phone and started vlogging the drive.

"So Ross..." I said and he turned to notice the camera.

"Yes my love?" He said in a fancy voice once he realized I was vlogging.

I giggled "Tell the fans where we're going."

"We are going to a place of only the finest dishes and tastiest of breadsticks." Ross said, still in a fancy voice.

We pulled up to the restaurant, so I wasn't gonna bug him to say the name. I just faced the camera at the sign.

"YES! Olive Garden indeed!" Ross said as soon as I turned the camera.

"We'll show our food, because nowadays everyone needs to share what they're eating, as soon as we get in and seated." I said, sarcastically.

"Indeed." Ross replied.

I paused the recording.

We walked in and seated ourselves.

"What are you getting?" Ross said, looking at his menu.

"Probably (Y/F/F). You?" (you're favorite food)

"Maybe some pasta." (IDK WHAT ROSS GETS I'M SORRY)

"Sounds good." I replied.

After about 15-20 minutes, our food arrived. Both of our eyes widened, because we were really hungry.

Ross pulled out his phone.
"So I got some delicious pawwwssttaaa." He said while pointing his phone at the food.

I giggled at the way he said pasta.

"And what do you have Ms. (Y/N)?" He said as he pointed the camera to my plate of (Y/F/F).

"You have eyes." I said and Ross laughed at my response.

"Well we're gonna eat this and we'll see ya in the car ride home." He said and paused the recording.

The date went on and on. It was only hours but felt like days.

After eating, we got ready to go home.

"I'm paying." Ross said, pulling out his wallet.

"Half." I said pulling out my purse.

"(Y/N) I-" he tried to convince me to let him pay all but I refused.

"No Ross. I'm paying half, and you can't change my mind." I looked and sounded a bit intimidating, so I calmed myself down.

"Fine." Ross said.

I smiled at him and he smiled back.

We each payed half and when Ross looked away I left the tip.

He looked back and noticed but shrugged it off, because he knew there was no convincing me to let him pay it.

He's cute when he's concerned

I smiled at my own thought and he noticed.

"Whatcha thinkin- about?" He said, and leaned in a bit.

"You." I said and smirked. "I love you."

"I love you too." He pecked me on the lips.

We got up and went out to the car.

He started it and I pulled his phone from his pocket. I started recording.
"Well that was good." I said.

Ross looked at me confused, then saw the camera. His eyes widened.

"Oh hey!" He said a bit shocked. "Did you..?" He reached for his pocket and saw his phone was gone.

I giggled. "Maaaaybe."

"What am I gonna do with you?" He laughed and took his phone.

"Um Ross, don't vlog and drive." I said and smirked at him.

He sighed. "Fineeee." then handed me his phone.

"So now we're on our way home. We're probably gonna hang with Max and Tim, unless they're tired." I said, as if I was sitting in front of the fans talking to them.

That's honestly my favorite part of vlogging, getting to connect with the fans.

"Ye. Well I think we should end the vlog here, we recorded for awhile. Anyway we will see you guyyysssss!" Ross said and waved as we hit a red light.

"Byeeeee!" I waved too then stopped recording.

We eventually arrived at our house and walked in.

Tim and Max were in the kitchen.

Max was eating some Mac & Cheese,
of course, and Tim was eating some cereal.

"Hey guys! How was your night out?" Tim said, smiling.

"Great!" Ross replied smiling.

"Well that's good!" Max said, only looking at me.

I smiled in reply.

He blushed lightly.

"Well I'm gonna change into some PJs" I said.

"Ye. Me too." Ross replied.

Max and Tim nodded.

We went into our rooms and changed.

When we came back, Max and Tim put their bowls in the dishwasher and went into their rooms to change into PJs.

I grabbed a glass of water and headed to bed.

"Goodnight guys!" I said.

"Night." Max replied.

"Night night." Tim replied after.

"Sleep tight!" Ross said in an adorable voice.

I giggled and layed down.

I fell asleep almost instantly.

What a day
OMG I'M SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I'm currently at Disney World! I've talked about it on my Instagram (maxisagingersnap) which you should give a follow if u wanna see my posts. Adam actually posted my fanart on his so that's pretty cool :) Anyway I hope you all enjoy the new chapter. Love you all ;)

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