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Some people say things always happen how destiny means it to be. But, is that true? Maybe there's a plan behind it,or a prophecy. The death of a family memeber can be an accident, or it can be planned. Doesn't it seem strange that right after victory you loose all your money, and your house? What would you do if your world turned upside down in just seconds, or if somebody saves you from having your head cut off? Almost all the time somebody dies in your place. But how? How do you survive when you are meant to die? Has your enemy ever saved you and then you understand that danger was always next to you? That the people you trust are the ones that wanted to see you dead? Maybe your life is perfect and you don't suspect anything about the people around you. But when you loose it all, when your being followed, and by helping you something bad can happen, you realize the world you were missing. That's when you realize how forgotten you are. And that's when you began to notice the dark side you had been ignoring.

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