M: Yo
K: don't yo me
M: Wtf I do now
K: I know you went out to meet that bitch
M: Okay shit what's your point
K: You cheating on me
M: We went to a damn Applebee's and talked
K: Then what was that embracement y'all did before she left
M: A hug wtf you mean and how would you know ya stalker
K: Take yo ass home we will talk about this later
M: Bitch dont get the game fucked up you up in my shit you can step for all I care I'll make sure my kid has what they need and we don't have to talk

I hung and drove to my house and guess what that bitch was gone. I ain't care she can say I aint shit fuck wit some other nigga my kid will know who they father is. I don't know who she think she fooling but she needa understand who she up against real shit. I took a shower and laid on the couch watching TV and texting my bros then I fell asleep wit my phone on my chest.

I came home to Malak asleep on the couch I saw his phone and went through it. He said all this ignorant shit bout me to his homeboys and I was reading his messages he be texting his babymama and Ashanti way too much and the content was not for interest


Abril🔞😍: Yes Malak

Malak🌊💯: I messed up wit y'all Abril

Abril🔞😍:Wll maybe you shouldn't have left Ryan wit that hoe

Malak🌊💯: Hey I still luv her

Abril🔞😍: We don't have to be together for you to see your son just lemme know when you wanna see him

Malak🌊💯: I'll fly out on July 3rd

Abril🔞😍:Aight he really misses you Mal

Malak🌊💯: I miss him too and you as well

Abril🔞😍: Okay I'll see you soon

Texts messages with Ashanti

Malak🌊💯: Shantiii

Ashanti🅰👑: Yo

Malak🌊💯: I wish we could hang out more

Ashanti🅰👑: Idk about that you really messed up

Malak🌊💯: I know I'm really sorry

Ashanti🅰👑: You're apologizing to the wrong person

Malak🌊💯: I messes our relationship as more than friends I put you through hell and I know I don't deserve another chance wit you

Ashanti🅰👑: as long as you know

I got a pitcher of ice cold water and poured it all over him then threw his phone at him

Malak: What the hell

Khania: You miss her

Malak: Huh

Khania: Abril you miss her

Malak: She's the mother of my child

Khania: So am I and you messed up with her

Malak: Who?

Khania: Ashanti

Malak: I cheated

Khania: I'm leaving call me when you know who you wanna be with I'm not some toy Malak

Malak: Okay bye.

Khania: Wow you just gon let me leave

Malak: I won't stop you I ain't finna force no one to stay wit me

The next day


I went to teh doctors office for my appointment and she put the jell on my stomach. The nurse looked worried so I had to ask if anything was wrong she responded "I can't find a heart beat" she took a blood sample did a few tests and told me to wait in the room. An hour went bye and she called me to her office

Nurse: I don't know how to say this but you're not pregnant

Khania: I lost the baby

Nurse: No you were never pregnant

Khania: But I took a test it came back positive

Nurse: Sometimes pregnancy tests make mistakes

I was crying for 20 minutes I finally got myself together and put in my big shades so no one would notice I'm crying. How would I tell Malak? Things have been so bumpy lately he'd probly leave knowing there's no reason for him to stay. Everything is so complicated I'm just not gonna tell him. Maybe we'll do it again and I'll get pregnant for real this time. I'll apologize we'll have make up sex I'll make sure he gets a little tipsy and it can go just as planned. I hope this will work

Love at first sight? {Malak Watson Story}Where stories live. Discover now