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Phil: hey dan how are you feeling

Dan: hey phil...how are those hickies ;)

Phil: im gonna kill you

Dan: dont act like you didnt enjoy it

Phil: im not

Phil: but how are you holding up

Dan: eh

Dan: emotionless really

Phil: that doesnt sound good

Phil: have you visited your mum

Dan: once

Dan: i really havent done much these past two days

Dan: really like an existential crisis

Dan: but worse because my mum isnt here to take care of me

Phil: ill take care of you

Dan: no you dont have to

Phil: are you sure

Dan: yeah

Dan: but dont go

Dan: i still want to talk

Dan: like we used to

Phil: okay

Phil: what do you want to talk about

Dan: welll what have you been up to

Dan: have any kinks? ;)

Phil: dAN

Dan: what, don't wanna gET SEXY

Phil: i rather not

Dan: i rather yes

Phil: dan stop being horny

Dan: no

Phil: yes

Dan: nO

Phil: yES


Phil: dan

Dan: what

Phil: stop

Dan: NO

Dan: why

Phil: because

Dan: am i getting you hard? ;)))))

Phil: text me back when you're not horny

Dan: what???????

Dan: afraid of having a little fuuuuu????

Read at 9:16 PM

Dan: fuck


Ayeeee another long texting chapter BE HAPPY

Also this would have been updated earlier but I was getting physical with my sister and her friend and then we got bubble tea and I drank a lot of water and I SAW DUCKS

Here is a very terrible picture of them:

I've got a Samsung Galaxy s5 mini and the camera is a little crap sometimes ngl buT DUCKS

So yeah enjoy the ducks EMBRACE the ducks bye


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