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I went to pick up Dan. He would be all good, the doctors told me. He just had a bandage around his stomach that needed to be maintained for a week and a bandage on his head that could be taken off tomorrow. He didn't suffer much more, besides the internal bleeding. He just needed to take a few prescriptions and he would be fine. He could be happy again. Except for the one detail. His mother.

It's been two days. Two days since she had the accident and fell into a coma. I pray every night that she would wake up soon. I pray to every God that exists that she will wake up soon, so Dan can be happy. So that he won't cry anymore.

I walk into his room, bag in tow with a set of clothes for him to wear. I couldn't really get into his house so I just bought whatever I thought would look best on him, and that happened to be a grey jumper with spikes at the top for ears and pair of black skinny jeans. I also got a plain black t-shirt to go under it. It was a bit chilly and I didn't want him catching a cold. I set the bag on his bedside table when I saw him there, napping. I sat on the edge of his bed, creepily watching him sleep like Edward Cullen.

He started to shirt around and blinked a few times before completely opening his eyes and looking up at me. He was so damn cute, I wish he could be mine. I wish it was the right time to confess my liking to him. But I know it wouldn't be a good idea right now in his vulnerable state. I would have to wait to see if his mum wakes up.

"Hello," I said, smiling at him. H smiled back, sitting up carefully in order to avoid the pain he was likely feeling in his stomach.

"Hi," he said, starting to get up. I moved out of the way in order to allow him to stand up. "I forgot you were coming today. Oh, you brought me clothes? I really hope you didn't buy me any thing, it would be completely unnecessary--"

"I wanted to," I said, looking down at the floor. He sighed, clicking his tongue at me.

"I can always count on Phil to spoil me. I'll get changed in here if you don't mind," he said, walking over to lock the door. "Just, don't look, okay?"

"Y-yeah, alright," I said, blushing and looking down at my feet. I heard his paper gown land on the floor as he rummaged through the bag of clothes I had bought him.

"You can look up now," he said, walking over to where his shoes were.

"Y-yeah, okay," I said, blushing again.

"Phil, you're acting rather strange," he said.

"Uh...it's just that you seem happier than you did earlier," I lied, attempting to cover up the emotions stirring inside me.

"I decided to try to be positive. All I can do is hope and visit her every day, there is nothing more. I can't keep crying, I've already been dehydrated since I've been crying so much without drinking water. It's not healthy," he explained, his voice cracking a bit.

"Dan, it's okay to cry," I said, waling over to him and putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I know, I just-- it's not what mum would want me to do," he said solemnly. The nurse came in, cautiously opening the door.

"Oh, Dan, you're already dressed. You're all set, just pick up your prescriptions on the way out. You can also throw your gown away," she said.

"Thank you," Dan said, picking up his gown and throwing it in the trash. She smiled at him and walked out, leaving the door open. I smiled at him, and we walked out of the room, leaving behind the trauma.

Everything was finally looking up.


Guess who forgot to update yesterday haha. And if you're reading Sonder sorry I forgot about that one too but the next chapter is going to be kinda long and I kinda don't wanna write it in the night time.

Life update: I think I had a mini panic attack today. Don't hold me to that I may be over exaggerating I know people have real problems that are diagnosed I just don't know though. Everyday before lunch I have a bit of anxiety because I don't know here I'm going to sit, but I found a table that lets me just sit there and I'm fine. BUT IT WAS FULL TODAY. I had gotten myself so anxious over the fact that I had no idea where to sit while I was waiting in line for lunch that by the time I got it I was breathing really heavily. I half ran around the cafeteria going 'what am I gonna do...what am I gonna do...what am I gonna do...' like a mad woman when my kind-of-friend (not the one that abandoned me) came out of the lunch line and I was like LET ME SIT WITH YOU and she was like okay but then she told me to sit with the other one who I had NO IDEA where she was and I panicked some more and sat at a table where nobody was at but she told me she would sit with me until the other one came and I was like THANK THE LORD JESUS and then she came and we sat and didn't say a word to each other because THAT'S JUST HOW SHE IS.

so there was my little rant.

So today was really stressful because I didn't practice my flute and I lost my science book and I missed my flute lesson because I was stressing about my science book. Yay!

Sorry I rant a lot in this lol.


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