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I ran around a corner of a brick building, turning in an alleyway. I was checking them all, Dan had sent me his location a bit before he suddenly stopped texting me. I could hear bone against bone, and flesh against flesh in the near distance. I figure Dan must be in the direction. I turned and ran faster toward the sound. I heard rapid footsteps coming closer in my direction. It was four boys only slighty younger than me. They looked rough and arrogant, so to some them up in a few words, douchey fuckboys that thought they were tough. They were running quickly out of an alleyway, with blood crusted on their knuckles and boots. My pace quickened as I ran to chase after them after glancing sown the alley way.

"Hey, you, fuckboys!" I shouted after them. Their pace slowed down. They came to a sudden stop and turned around slowly.

"What do you want, faggot? Why are you following us? Got a problem, ey?" The 'leader' asked as the cigarette in his mouth wiggled around in his mouth, wagging his blood crusted finger at me. My bones chilled as I thought of what they did to him. I should probably make this quick to get back and tend to Dan.

"I want to know why you're fucking with my friend. So why is that, fuckboy? And why do you automatically assume that I'm gay? Do you just assume anyone that tries to talk to you is?" I asked, shifting my weight to one side.

"Oh, that other faggot? Apparently he's only half faggot, mostly plant though. But he says not completely. He's just right confused himself. We went over there to beat some sense into him, maybe he'd come up with a clear answer, maybe even realise he's straight. We're just helpin' your half-faggot friend, mate. It's good for 'im," he slurred, taking his cigarette out of his mouth and tapping the chars in my direction. I scoffed.

"You could have put him in hospital. In fact, I think I should go check on him. Just after I deal with you three bastards. By the way, is 'faggot' the only word you know?" I asked, taking a step closer to him and his possé. They took a step back, slightly cowering, putting a smirk on my face.

"Ey, what're you gonna do, hit us?" He asked, snickering, as if trying to convince himself it would all be okay. I laughed at the silly question, taking another step in their direction.

"Well, that was what I had in mind," I said, curling my fist into a ball at my side, "But, if you insist," I said as I threw a punch at his face. It hit his cheek with a crunch, throwing him back, and causing his cigarette to fly out of his mouth. His hands threw up to cradle his throbbing face as he strugged to keep himself off the ground. His two friends scrambled to hold him up.

"What's wrong with you, mate? Why're you just throwinb puches at random people on the street? What'd he do to you?" Said one of them, still by his side. I snickered, lokking down at the floor.

"I could punch you two, too, if I really wanted to. But, that is not my concern right now. My only immediate concern is helping my friend. Now, scurry along, I'll take care of you two later, if you ever show your faces around Dan again." I turned my back to them, my last sight of them with their jaws slack and supporting their friend. I was walking confidently at first, but then remembered what happened to Dan and picked up my face, running faster in the direction that the bullies had come from.

I entered the alleyway to see a bleeding Dan, clutching his abdomen while in the fetal postion on the ground. I slid down to kneel by him on the ground, gently throwing my arms around him and turning his body to face me, only to have to turn him back down to let him cough up a bit of blood.

"Ohmigod, Dan! I should have come sooner! We need to get you to hospital!" I exclaimed, clutching his small, pale, bleeding form into my chest. He groaned loudly, most likely from pain. Tears started flowing out of my eyes for him. I hated seeing my best friend bleeding and in pain like that. I took my phone out of my pocket and unlocked it quickly to dial 999 for help. I answered all of the operators questions before hanging up and clutching Dan into my chest, sobbing into the top of his head. I could hear faint sniffles coming from his body as he started gently crying to, tucking his face into the crook of my neck.


Okay that was 811 words I think it was good enough. A lot has happened in the past three days so I will try to condense my thoughts into the next paragraph. If you don't care, ou can just skip it.

Okay, so I really feel betrayed, because my only friend in school, the one I talked about before, completely abandoned me the whole trip. It made me really upset and I've considered disowning her, because honestly, she really isn't a good friend at all. But I won't any time soon because my birthday is coming up and she was going to buy me pizza and yeah. But the whole trip, she didn't talk to me at all. We had an hour of free time before we had to leave the place, and I was completely alone. All the other times we had free time, she didn't talk to me either. I was on the verge of crying several times because of this, and I know I've said I'm not depressed before, but now I'm really considering the fact that I am. I felt like utter shit the whole trip, physically, because they made us walk so much and it really fucking hurt, and mentally, because of that whole other thing I was explaining.

Okay, I lied. Two paragraphs.

I feel like I am hiding it from my family, even though I'm not trying to. They just genuinely make me feel happier and I'm more animated around them. Idk what is with me. But then sometimes I realise how fucked up my family really is and it makes me sad, but it also makes me appreciate the good times more. And I also realise that my sister is leaving for college soon, and even though she really annoying and a bitch that be hatin on my baes, I'm going to miss her. Idk I just regret everything and want to move schools or something. I am just hoping for next year to be my good year. It was like this pretty much for my older sister, except she didn't have any friends in elementary school, whereas I did.

On the bright side, I think I made two new friends. One can draw and likes Zelda and plays the ocherena, which is really cool. And the other is just really weird but like good weird and she's really funny. But I doubt it will last because it never does. Nobody sticks with me. Except, you guys, of course. I really love you guys and want to maybe meet you someday.

I just realised that this is like half the actual chapter lol.

Update on Sensual: I'm a fail and haven't even started the fourth chapter yet lol.



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