Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

I opened my eyes when Ross began to whisper, but he wasn't saying anything to me, he was singing. He actually had an amazing voice so I just listened. It was nice, soft, and angelic. I could listen to him sing forever. I kept my eyes on him and he never once looked my way. He was so into the song he was singing.

"What song?" I asked since I've never heard the song before. But he just continued to sing so I was listening and waiting.

"No song." I gave him a confused look. He chuckled, "it's a song I wrote." I just smiled as my response, because last time I mentioned a band, he froze and I didn't want him to feel that way again. Then we sat there in silence, and I liked that. Ross moved from the seat next to me and sat on the table. We were at the corner table at lunch, it was smaller than the others and no one sat here. Well, except us, as of today.

"Alright then," I replied. He stopped singing and looked down at me. "What?" I hated when people would stare at me. But all he did was smile and hop down. When I saw the look on his face I knew he wanted to ditch again. Did he actually learn anything while he was homeschooled?

He looked around then back at me, "how about today-"

"No," I cut him off. He didn't seem pleased with my answer. "If you didn't want to attend school, why didn't you just stay homeschooled? I get the whole loner thing but all you want to do is not be here." He sat down next to me and began to play with his ring. It wasn't that he was upset. It was more like he didn't know what to do. I also felt like everything I questioned was triggering something in him. First the band thing and now the part about being homeschooled. I wanted to know what was wrong. I couldn't sit here and let most of this stuff slide. "If I go with you, will you explain some things to me?"

He turned around, watching my face. He was debating whether to agree or not. "You're right, school is best." He got up and left. Well, so much for that.


I didn't know whether to wait outside for Ross or not. Would he show after what happened at school? I really wanted to know why he was acting so cold and distant when anything about him was coming up. I began to wonder why I was caring at all? I didn't plan on making friends but I guess he was one. Some friend.

I got up from waiting on the step and right when I was about to open the door I heard the sound of someone riding their skateboard. "I didn't think you were gonna come." I turned around, but no one was there. I stood there shocked, scared, and confused. Was I hearing things? I looked both ways and there was no one in sight. I quickly ran inside and slammed the door.

"Everything okay?" I jumped when my mom asked me that. I turned around, walking away from the door and to the stairs.

"Yeah, everything's fine," I replied going up the stairs to my room. I sat down by my window and began to go through my phone. I stopped when I saw Ross in my contacts then moved down. Then I looked at my friend's numbers. I wished I could tell them about my life here. But I was sure they didn't care. If they did, they would've called or texted by now. I didn't call anyone in the end and just set my phone aside.

The next day at school I didn't see Ross. I went on with my normal day. I barely paid attention in class. I started to doodle again, just some hearts here and there. When the teacher sat down and stopped talking, I looked up at the board. We had an assignment to do.  

I looked over where Ross sat and I was wondering why I cared at all. He must've ditched by himself. I slammed my hand on my desk and everyone's eyes landed on me. "Uh, there was a fly and I, uh, killed it." I told the class and looked at my hand. There was obviously no bug there. At least everyone turned their attention back to their work.

I went by the grass area since Ross wasn't here. I liked sitting there alone. I took out my phone to see if I had any messages but when I saw it was blank I set it aside. Then I took out my notebook and decided to do my homework until lunch was over.

I heard talking nearby and those popular girls, the one blonde and the other dirty blonde one walked passed me. They looked over at me and made a face then continued on their way. I rolled my eyes while pulling the grass near me. They already started to bother me. I shook it off and began with my homework.

Soon enough the bell rang and I quickly picked up everything but when the second bell rang I had to hurry. I just held onto it all and bumped into someone. "I'm sorry!" I bent down to pick everything up and he handed me my notebook. I looked up, "Ross?"

The bell rang and I jumped up from where I was sitting. I didn't remember falling asleep. Then I heard someone laugh nearby while pointing at me. I ignored them and picked up everything. I put all my stuff away and I got up. I shook off the thought of me actually bumping into Ross. I stopped for a second and some girl ran into me, "watch it!" the dirty blonde girl said to me. I didn't bother to say or do anything as I continued on to my next class.

Teenage Fantasy (Ross Lynch)Where stories live. Discover now