Chapter One

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Chapter One

"You can do this," I tried to motivate myself while I fixed my long black hair. I brushed it a little and ran my fingers through it. It felt nice, smooth, and straight like always. I looked at myself one last time, looking into my sky blue eyes. I frowned still not pleased with my look. But I was running late so I grabbed my backpack and went downstairs. I saw the bowl of fruits on the table and grabbed a red apple. I took a bite out of it. My mom watched me while eating her pancakes. That looked so good right now but I had to go. I smiled at her while waving then I was out the door. The school was only a couple blocks away, no biggie.

I wasn't too happy about moving or the new school but I couldn't do anything about it. Yeah, I had friends and we tried to keep in touch as much as possible. But I haven't felt myself since I moved here couple months back in July. I tried so hard to bring my life here but it wasn't working out as well as I thought. It was hard to keep in touch when my friends were busy all the time so I just pulled myself back. I talked to them less and less but I did try. It was like the loner life here was taking over every part and I couldn't seem to control that. I missed being with a group of people who were always positive and crazy. Everyone seemed to envy us but we weren't popular, we were just fun and ourselves.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when some random guy skated passed me. I watched him as he became smaller and smaller the further he was getting. I wish I knew how to skate. I sighed continuing my walk to school.

I finally stepped on the grass and saw the building in front of me. Here I go, I thought. I pulled out my schedule memorizing my classes because I knew I'd lose my paper. It happened every time. But I couldn't focus, I was afraid. Some people were already staring at me and I felt uncomfortable. I started to bite on my sleeve from my nervousness. I use to be good at ignoring people but that was probably because I was surrounded by my friends. But here, I was all alone. I was like a flashing light in the darkness, all eyes on me.

The bell rang making me jump and someone nearby laughed. I hoped that wasn't about me. I grabbed a pen from my backpack and quickly wrote my classes on my arm. I put the cap between my teeth. I had English first, then history, P.E., then it was lunch, math, science, and theatre. I put the cap back on and placed the pen back inside my backpack with the paper. I started to walk to my English class. Everyone was pushing and shoving, I wasn't moving much but eventually I ended up by my classroom. I stared at the door, slowly bringing my hand to the handle. I closed my eyes opening the door.

The second I walked in everyone was seated. I pressed my lips together fixing my bangs so it covered my face a little bit. It made it feel like no one was watching me as if I was hiding or turned invisible. I felt someone's hand behind me and I looked up. It was the teacher, she smiled at me. Then she looked over at everyone and clapped her hands yelling at her students. Everyone slowly became quiet, voices going down to mute. All their eyes were on me while the teacher started talking but I didn't catch anything because all I could hear was my heart pounding.

"...Haven." I snapped out of it when I heard my name. "I'm Miss. Ryan," I smiled at her then looked at the ground, "you can take any seat you like." I began to walk slowly to the back and some kid put their backpack on one seat next to them. I didn't bother to give it any more attention. I chose the seat all the way in the back. I placed the backpack by my legs and grabbed my notebook. It was new with no notes written in it, new just like me.

The bell rang again making me jump. I had to stay calm, this was getting ridiculous. "Okay class..." the teacher began but was cut off when someone walked in. She looked at him confused. He looked at his hand and turned back around. That was odd, I looked down at my own hand seeing my schedule. He probably wrote on his arm too.

It was finally lunch, it felt like I was trapped in those classes for ages. When I went out to the lunch area I had no idea where I was going to sit. I went all the way over to the grass area, dropped my bag, and leaned against the fence. I wasn't hungry so I didn't touch my food. I looked around for a bit, seeing everyone else so engrossed with each other. I felt so out of place and alone. So this was how every new kid felt at my old school. It made me feel bad for not trying to get to know and include them. I sighed sliding down and sitting on the ground.

Some time went by and I heard someone nearby. They laid down by a tree at the corner closing their eyes. It seemed like the sun was shining brightly only near him. It seemed kind of blinding, making his blond hair seem whiter and his skin even paler. He turned over, now on his side. He opened his eyes and they landed on mine. I held onto the gaze then I looked down breaking it.

After a few minutes of playing with my sleeves I looked back at him but he was gone. I looked down at my sleeves again wishing I was back home. I hated this!

" guy is so hot!" Some girl said to her friend while passing by me. She had long blonde hair, tan, tall, and really skinny and the friend she was talking to had dirty blonde hair, who was also tan and tall like her. They went over to a group of guys playing football near the basketball courts.

I watched them for a little while, well until the bell rang. But I wasn't really paying attention, I was just staring...blankly. I was walking to my next class, not thrilled in any way.

I was so glad it was the last class but I would be back tomorrow. How exciting, right? I sat down on the chair in the theatre room, I was on the third row. I was on the edge seat and I leaned to my left so I wasn't close to the person on my right.

Our teacher explained everything that was gonna happen throughout the year. I didn't really pay attention but somewhere in there I heard cheering from everyone around me. I looked all around confused as the teacher tried to shush everyone. I turned to the person next to me, she was the dirty blonde girl who walked past me. She caught me staring and made a face.

"I, uh, didn't hear what she said," I said feeling awkward and weird. She looked at me as if trying to determine what kind of creature I was. I must've looked like I came from another planet. I rolled my eyes about to turn around.

"Every year we have a musical where the music class and theatre class work together," she said then shook her head. She turned to her blonde friend whispering something. I pressed my lips together turning away without even a thank you. I was pretty sure she didn't care at all. I tried to listen to what the teacher said for the rest of the class but I kept hearing the girl next to me. She kind of sucked at whispering and whenever she mentioned me I sunk lower in my seat hoping to disappear.

When the bell rang everyone ran out not caring whether the teacher dismissed them or not. Once everyone was out I moved from my seat about to leave when the teacher called my name. Ugh, I turned around walking toward her. "Yes?" I told her.

"Did you like your first day here?" Wow, the only teacher who cared.

"Uh, yeah," I replied wanting to leave already.

"That's good," she said letting me leave now. I speed-walked out and began to walk home. I couldn't wait to just go in my room and lay in bed. Maybe watch some tv or read a book. Anything to get my mind off this stupid day and the others to come.

I looked ahead seeing there was only one more block to go. Almost there, I thought. Then that guy from earlier skated past me and he turned to me. Wait, he was the guy who was lost and laying by the tree. Suddenly, he fell to the ground and without realizing I ran over to him.

"Um, are you okay?" I asked hoping he was so I could leave.

"Yeah, thanks," he said grabbing the hand I left out for him. He got up, smiled, then grabbed his board and started skating again. I watched him skate away like I had this morning, looks like I was going to see him every morning and after school.

Teenage Fantasy (Ross Lynch)Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu