Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

"Haven?" I heard a soft whisper next to my ear, "Haven," there it was again. I made some kind of sound and shifted a little bit. I heard a light chuckle. I rubbed my eyes with my sleeve, but my vision was still a little blurry. I looked up and saw how close I was to Ross's face. I backed up a little and the hold he had on me loosened. "You should probably go inside," he whispered. I nodded my head, even though I heard his words, I didn't exactly get them. I slowly got up and yawned about to fall back asleep but I felt him catch me. My eyes closed on its own. I leaned my head on his chest about to fall asleep again but I reminded myself that I had to go inside. He let go again and I walked to the door. As dumb and sleepy as I was I ran into the door, which, Ross caught me again.

"Ow my face!" I put my hand to my face for like a minute while Ross was still holding onto me. When the throbbing subsided, I put my hand behind me at Ross. I wanted him to let me go.

Then I felt him move my hand away, "thanks for hitting my face." I broke out of his hold and walked forward again, my face met the door...again.

"Ugh!!" I shouted while Ross made the 'shh' sound. I was gonna get a bruise, I just knew it. Ross came closer and I put my face on his shoulder. I hated being so tired, I felt vulnerable. I usually never got close to people, I hated it when people I barely knew were so close to me. Why was I comfortable right now? Probably because I was so tired I became pretty much unaware.

Ross carried me up, and I held on his shirt scared he would drop me. I kept my eyes closed. "Is it okay if I take you to your room?" I nodded. "So, I can go inside?" I nodded again. I heard the knob turn and the door close behind us. He took me to my room and laid me on the bed.

I put my hand on his face, "okay, you can go away now." He moved my hand away, lightly chuckling. I opened my eyes to see him leaning against the wall by the window. I was about to tell him he was being a creeper but I knocked out.


"Don't let me fall!"

"Don't worry," he replied calmly.

Ross and I walked home together after school. When we got close to my house, he mentioned how last night I wanted to learn how to skate, so, he wanted to teach me. I agreed. For the past half hour I've been trying to learn how to skate. I fell down so many times. I felt stupid that I couldn't balance on the damn thing. So, he held onto me as I slowly skated.

He let me go again while I skated down the street. The thought of falling came back to mind and I lost my balance. But this time I regained it, only for the skateboard to hit a deep crack on the ground, making me completely lose my balance.

Ross came to me as quickly as possible, it seemed like a blur. He caught my fall, he was catching me a lot lately. "Thanks," I whispered but pushed him away. He frowned but it was only for a second. If I blinked I probably would've missed it. He went after his board. I stood, watching him, thinking, why did I even let him this close to me? I was so bipolar about this situation. I didn't want to get close, just incase I had to move again. I would leave someone else behind, just like I left my friends. Were they even my friends now?

Not only that, something was different about Ross. Something was telling me to stay away and there was something making me push him away. I was afraid, but I didn't know why.

When he returned with his board, he didn't look too happy. "I need to go now," he smiled sadly. He stood there as if waiting for something but I just kept on blinking. He dropped the board and put his feet on it. "Same time, same place," he pointed at me while skating away. I nodded as my only response.

I slowly walked up the steps to my door. I leaned against the wall, looking around my house. I spotted the branch I pulled out last night. I hopped down to it, I picked it up, examining it. Why did I even pick this thing up? Why did I remove it from the tree? I couldn't figure it out. Who would use this as a weapon anyway? I broke it in half and dropped it. I shook my head, walking inside my house.

Teenage Fantasy (Ross Lynch)Where stories live. Discover now