Merlin: Resurrection, better or for worse.

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Hi guys

I am sorry i not updated on my other stories as i am struggling.

I am surrpised i managed to write this but i did.

I hope you like my new idea :)

I try update on Merlin and kira 2 chapter 15 soon but I can't promise right now.

I am not sure why i can't write at the moment :(

I hope you enjoy this.

Any comments and votes would mean a lot. It will help me to update quicker as i know people like the idea and enjoying it.

I normally update on my stories because i like to write and second for u but right now i'm not bothered myself but I am trying to get things up for you. So any support would mean a lot thanks :)




Merlin’s POV

She was never forgotten. I had never forgotten her. I tried to push my feelings a side. I tried to avoid thinking or talking about her but she was still in my heart and it felt like she would be planted in my heart, my soul forever. It hurt knowing I would never be able to be with her and I hated the fact in a way it was Arthur’s fault. I couldn’t really blame him though, he was just protecting, Camelot.

I was pacing back and forth outside Arthur’s chamber. I had been doing this for a while now and I was surprised Arthur hadn’t finished yet in his chamber with Gwen. Since king Uther had been gone Arthur spends a lot more time with her and I think they will be marrying very soon, no doubt about that.

When I thought about Arthur and Gwen together I would think about her and that was why she had popped into my mind lately and I can’t stop it happening either. I wiped away the tears dripping down my face as Arthur’s chamber door creaked open.

“Sorry we took so long Merlin,” smiled Arthur. I also found it strange that Arthur is now king. It felt good that I had got him here without him dying but I know it’s not over yet either.

“It’s fine.”

“Merlin, are you alright?” asked Gwen looking at me more closely.

“I am fine, Gwen” I lied. I hadn’t been getting much sleep lately either and I am not sure why but I didn’t tell anyone, not even Gaius but I think he suspects as much.

“Ok, I see you two later,” smiled Gwen before she kissed Arthur on the lips and she left us both standing there.

I noticed Arthur looking at me strangely before he went back into his chamber and I followed him in. Arthur had his strange moments. Sometimes I love spending time with him and other times not as much as he is being a complete prat.

Arthur’s chamber was clean and tidy. I was not sure what I could do until Arthur chucked a pile of clothes at me which hit me in the face but I caught them before they fell to the floor.

“I’ll go clean these then,” I said sharply.

Arthur didn’t even give me a second glance; he just sat down at his desk and ignored me like I was not even here. I knew he was in one of his moods for some reason. I sometimes do wish I was not the servant to the king of Camelot as nothing has really changed. Arthur still thinks magic is evil and there is nothing I can do for now to change his mind about that.

I left the chamber closing the door a little more louder then I normally would just to get on Arthur’s nerves since he had ignored me. Half way down to the kitchens I saw Gaius walking along side with Gwaine and I wondered what the two were up too.

I sprinted the last part to the kitchen, stuck the clothes in the right place where they would get washed and I’ll come get them later. I sprinted back out and headed towards where I had seen Gwaine and Gaius. I found them heading out the castle and I followed them curiously.

I stayed behind them all the way to the Tavin and I followed them in, I was not surprised Gwaine was here but Gaius I was a little more surprised about. What was Gaius up too with Gwaine?

Gwaine and Gaius went through the Tavin and straight up the stairs. Gwaine knocked on one of the doors before someone pulled it open. “Gaius, I am glad you have come. Gwaine you can go now,” spoke a male voice. I hid behind the wall as Gwaine walked by so he didn’t spot me.

I edged towards the room so I could listen to what they were talking about. I could barely make out a few words, I needed to get closer.

I whispered a spell I had learnt recently and it actually worked. I could now hear everything they were saying by putting my ear up against the door.

“Why have you come here Lee? Uther maybe dead but if Arthur was to find out you had magic, you will still face the same issues,” said Gaius.

“I know that Gaius, I do. I have come here to tell you that I know how to use Resurrection. I need your help,” he asked.

“I can’t help you. Resurrection is dangerous and unpredictable. You need someone to sacrifice to bring that other person back. Do not meddle with fate,” said Gaius.

“Gaius, I found away to do it without that issue. I finally did it.”

“I will not be a part of this and I never will,” said Gaius as I heard him moving towards the door.

I quickly pulled my ear away from the door and ran over and hid behind the wall. I watched as Gaius left the room and went back down the stairs. I watched as the man watched Gaius leave. He had figured out a way to resurrect someone from the dead without taking someone else. If this was true, I could bring her back. I could bring back the one I love. I could bring back Freya.

 However the last time I acted too fast, I had nearly lost the white dragon going against everything Gaius had said. Maybe I need to avoid jumping too fast and actually think about it, this time.

I came out of my hiding place and headed down the stairs into the Tavin. Arthur would be wondering where I was as well and as much as I wanted her back, it still seemed impossible.

Lee’s POV

I watched as the young serving boy headed down the stairs not long after Gaius. He could become useful to me, I could tell he had heard what I had said to Gaius and that he must have lost someone.

If I could just convince him to help me, I would finally have the power and energy to resurrect someone from the dead who had not died too long ago. If I could everything would be so much easier, with her help.

I just had to get the boy alone and convince him to help me. I was not sure why he had been listening or what link he had to Gaius but it didn’t really matter. I had changed since Gaius had seen me last and I may not me on Gaius’s side again because Arthur is my enemy.

Merlin: Resurrection, better or for worse.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora