Chapter Twenty-One

Start from the beginning

"It seemed odd to me, why you never shed a tear when your brother was killed or showed any type of emotion besides that," Mei said, holding her shoulder tightly as the wound was still healing up. She glared at Kalas who walked over to stand by Osamu. "If that is the side you choose, then don't expect any mercy."

Kalas erupted in laughter before beckoning to Mei. "Bring it on, bitch. You're a lot of big talk, but yet you have all of your other demons doing all the shit for you." Kazuma and Taichi growled, their tails lashing back and forth angrily. Mei stared at Kalas, then turned away and sighed heavily. She looked over at Kazuma and Taichi, who were bristling at Kalas, then over at Kalik and Takashi who were in complete shock. Mei just glared at Kalas, who had a cocky smirk on his face, thinking his comment was clever. I never expected this from him. Everything about him has changed, yet he hid it perfectly.

"Shocking how fast the tables can be turned on you huh?" said Osamu, rubbing his chin with a smirk on his face. He turned towards Certo, who still laid on the ground from Kazuma's attack, and called his name. Immediately, Certo was up on his feet, his teeth bared at Mei and his wounds fully recovered. Osamu turned back to Mei as Certo walked over and stood behind Osamu. "Come on, princess. Why are you hesitating? Weren't you the one to say you would show us what power is? Don't you have powers that can equal the gods?" Mei flinched back a bit, knowing exactly why she was hesitating. Kalas was standing in her way and it hurt her to see him betray her like this. Mei also didn't want to lift her hand against an old friend, since she had promised she would protect them. Mei's eyes drifted to the ground, anger and sadness consuming her. Kalas' laughter caused Mei's muscles to tighten up.

"She can't even back herself up," Kalas said. "You just expected everything to be done for you without getting your hands dirty huh?" Something inside Mei snapped. She felt it, her energy welling up in her stomach and shooting out all throughout her body. A deadly growl escaped from her throat and she looked up, her gaze lingering on Kalas and Osamu, who shifted uneasily underneath it.

"Without getting my hands dirty?" Mei growled. "My hands are covered with filth and blood, more than your own."

"So you kill people, big deal," Kalas said shrugging. "That's the world we live in. The strong survive and the weak die."

"It's the world Osamu created," Mei stated angrily.

Osamu clasped his hands together as a smirk appeared on his lips. "My dear princess, you finally caught on. Yes, I did create the world you see today, but hundreds of years ago is when I created the world where the demons have to survive in this world as well. Ever wonder why the elites would round up all the new born girls and take them to the capital?" Mei looked at him, her body stiffening. Of course she didn't know why and she didn't want to know. It was his messed up version of his perfect world. "To find you," Osamu said smiling evilly. "The drug I created and had put into women was to find you. You see, when I captured your house, I was unsure of where the royalty lie, so I had to find a way to drag it out. But some of your house escaped and mingled with the humans, so I made it a worldwide ordeal. When I finally found your mother and she was tested, I knew I had found you. But that bitch escaped with the other demon, so my search had to start all over again. But none of that matters now; things have changed." Kalik and Takashi looked over at Mei, realizing she was the main reason the drug had been invented and had infested their mothers. Mei looked down at the ground once again. Another burden to carry, she thought. Taking a deep breath, Mei looked over to Kalik and Takashi who were looking at her disgustedly.

"If you want to blame me for that, then go right ahead. It's what humans do best. But you should know the demon who helped my mother escape wasn't just any demon. It was Ryou. Ryou our comrade from the very beginning, and we executed him." Kalik and Takashi's mouth dropped open, and when Mei glanced over, Kalas' mouth was hanging open too. Guess Osamu didn't tell him that, Mei thought.

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