The Dark War - Chapter 6

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The teens stood there examining the damage. To their left, was an exit out of the building; Jackson peered out of it. “Do you think anybody survived?” Jackson asked. “That is such a cliche question” Samayla said in disbelief “everybody is probably dead”. The two walked through the hole of the decimated wall, revealing the city once more. What could of been recognized as buildings was now  categorized by obfuscated heaps of rubble. “What do you think that pile of rubble used to be?” Jackson asked. “A building” Samayla replied. “Whats with you?” Jackson asked, “You’re more tense that usual”. Samayla’s head blew off. “OF COURSE I”M MORE TENSE THAN USUAL!!! A BUNCH OF PEOPLE JUST DIED, SHEESH!!!”.  “Holy cow!” Jackson said as he took a step away from Samayla “You didn’t have to yell about it!”. “I’m sorry” Samayla replied stubbornly. The two stood on the rubble covered concrete for a few moments. “Hey!” Jackson began, “I have an idea!”. “What is it?” Samayla replied. “We should try searching for that artefact described in that cell!” Jackson said, “If Farlandelus is looking for something that could potentially have power, it may be best if we try finding it before he does” Jackson continued. “What if it doesn’t exist?” Samayla replied. “Then it doesn’t exist” Jackson said back. “Fine” Samayla said “lets find the bloody thing”.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2013 ⏰

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