Chapter Three: Boys' Moves Or Mine?

Start from the beginning

"A bit."

He smirked.

After awhile, we already arrived. Everyone was going out while the two of us are the only ones inside.

"I think we need to get out now. Or we'll be late." I chirped.

"Yeah. Then stop holding my hand." he said.

What? I'm holding his hand? I realized, yes I am.

"Sorry. I don't know why I am holding your hand." I quickly get my hands off his.

"Sweaty hands againsts my dry hands. How sweet? Opposites attract?" he joked

I quickly got out of the bus and ran away.

Hey? What about my purse?

Clumsy me.

"You're back?" he asked surprisingly, standing.

"Obviously, yes. I forgot my purse."

I saw my purse in his hand and my eyes widen.

"That is my purse. What are you planning? Huh?"

"I am planning to chase you and give it back to you. Okay? No other things."

"No! You are just standing there holding my purse tightly."


Yeah he's right. So what if he's holding it tightly? Nothing is wrong with it. He was  about to get out of the bus and follow me but I got in.

"S-sorry. I-I just- um," I stutter, "Nevermind. I'm just a bit paranoid or something."

"You are. Here, your purse is back. First, you forgot your bag. Then your purse. Be careful about your belongings. Clumsy." He told me, giving me my purse back.

Okay, fine. I'm clumsy. My mom sometimes call me that.

Once in fifth grade, I forgot my identification card on the bus. So, I befriend the lookout of the school, unlucky, he was fond of asking food to me for me to get in. So unfortunate.

"Thanks. Um, you're not gay, right?"

He chuckled. What a question, Maggie. But, I'm still expecting an answer.

"What do you think? Will I stop you from holding my hand for so long? If I'm gay, then I'll be disgusted with you. Get it?" he uttered.

Phew. I sighed in relief. HE'S NOT GAY!

"I'm sorry again if I judged you."

"No it's okay. Girls are girls."

Hm. Whatever. Well, girls just sometimes want their expectations to be right.

"I think, it's about to bell in one minute." I snapped.

He nodded.

"Ladies' first, right?"

I blushed.

Everytime I walk with someone, I'm used to be on the back. I want to see the person I am with to lead me and I follow.

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